Chosen Right or Wrong

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This chapter is dedicated to the five people who commented on the last chapter. I am not sure if I should do this. Well,they did threaten me. So the five dedicatees (made this word up myself *feeling proud,puffing out chest*) are munchkins1307,ivette124,kimme882 and ngupta4348. Now,enjoy.


I woke up,feeling dizzy. Darkness surrounded me. I couldn't see anything. It was like a blackish smoky haze,that had turned grey,for some reason.

For a moment,I felt at peace,floating like I was in water,then I remembered what had happened. It struck me like a headache,the pain and the sight of blood and that dagger. Then remembering that last moment when all I saw was darkness.

Then it hit me. I was dead. Well,technically,half dead. This must be really confusing for you. Well,it means,that I was about to me decided whether to be sent to hell or heaven. Heaven being Elysium. And hell being T-t-Tartarus,the realm of the Primordial of The Pit. It still shook me,from the inside. I closed my eyes,the floating around in the haze sort of relaxed me. Sort of. I felt tense. I couldn't help thinking that maybe I would go to Tartarus. Maybe. But maybe not. Maybe Elysium will accept me. It was all dependant on how Hades felt right now.

Suddenly,the air shimmered around me. On my right side,I saw the gate of Elysium. I grinned,happy,and started floating towards it,my heart beating fast. I floated faster,a thousand thoughts going through my head.

I wondered if my friends were alright. About Luke,the new leader of my army. About Bianca,how would she be? About all of them,my mates. How would they be? I hope they're alright. I hope-

'Percy!' A voice echoed inside the haze,behind me. I whipped around,recognizing my old name. Standing there,wearing smiles on their faces,were my family. My family being the Chaos soldiers. I grinned,grinned until realization dawned on me.

Somebody was making me choose,choose whether I should go to Elysium,or should I go to my friends,which meant hell,through which I could travel to the outside world,and meet my friends again.

I thought for a moment. Did I want a happy peaceful,yet,friendless life in Elysium? Or did I want to go back to my family,fighting evil,all over the universe?

Now,I knew the answer. I grinned back at my friends and started floating towards me. They waved towards me. I floated more quickly,now almost in arms reach. Bianca came to the front of the group,her warm smile melting my heart. She reached out her hand. I reached my own to meet hers. Just as our hands touched,the world turned upside down and I knew no more of the substance called light......


We waited anxiously for some news on Satan,our brother,our commander. Hopefully,he was alive and we hoped deep down he was okay.

The door creaked open,and all eyes fell on the person emerging. Chaos pushed himself on the other side of the door,sadness all over his face. He looked up with shattered eyes,breathing two words that none could here,but all knew the meaning of.

The first sound all heard were the scream of Bianca and the cries of all the women. All the boys fell to the ground. I could feel my knees weakening,and I too,fell on the grass.

'S-stand children' Chaos shaken voice sounded. He,too, mourned the death of his son. Of Percy. Of Satan,the Second King Of Salvation,the slayer of Medusa,the defeated of Kronos,Hyperion,the Titan Atlas,Gaia and the survivor of Tartarus. And best of all The Son of Chaos.

A beam shot from Chaos' hand and into the sky,where it turned to a shower of red lightning,the skies turning black,the lightning shining.

'Finally dead is he. So sorry. Sorry that I didn't deliver the final blow to that idiot. Bffff. Very powerful was he,dying like that. Very powerful,indeed'

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