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'It is almost time' I spoke softly to my servant. He hobbled on weak knees and bowed in front of me. 'Have you the god's under your control'. I smiled wickedly.

'No,but that foolish son of Gaia has no idea what he has just started'


Stupid,Stupid. Utter imbecile. How could he do this?

I sighed and looked up at the many stars that surrounded the council's ceiling.

Destruction,what you dream of is utterly impossible. And even if it is possible,the Son of Poseidon will stop you. Amos never lies. Not to me.

The Heart of the Son of Poseidon is pure. That much even I know.

Let's see who gets to him first.


I felt like I was falling. Like from a really high building. And let me tell you its not exactly a 'Woohoo!' moment. Its more like 'Aaahhh'. If you know what I mean.

I opened my eyes and I knew immediately I was in a dream. Or heaven. Most likely the first one. Or I hoped

I looked around as see that I,indeed,was falling but not exactly. I felt as if I  was floating in some bizarre,other dimension. Creepy,I know.

But as you know demigods invented creepy.

I was surrounded by floating planets planets and stars,like space but with a purplish color.

I knew that I should be scared or scream at the top of my lungs,but this place felt calming. And definitely not like Tartarus.

I watched as a new swirl of purplish smoke was born and mixed with all the others. I felt like sleeping but something happened that didn't let me.

I watched as a huge black hole opened up in front of me. I eyed it warily,waiting from everything to get sucked through it.

But nothing happened.

I looked at the portal,frightened to the core as I heard distant rumbling. I thought it was Zeus. I staggered as the floor straightened. Now I wasn't falling and the portal was tight in front of me.

I gulped,fear building up inside me like water filling in a tank. I felt myself being pulled inside the portal. I restrained myself,as if rooting myself to the ground.

The rumbling got louder. The fear in my chest reaching its height,as if the water had come close to the top of the tank,only a brink of it needed to completely fill the tank.

'PERSEUS JACKSON'. A deep voice boomed across the landscape,the soundwave so strong that knocked me of my feet. I turned around to break my fall,but I was going so fast that I crashed into the ground on my chest. The air left me for a second,and I turned quickly to breath in. I sat on my elbows for a split second and then jumped to the ground.

I thought that I would not feel any pain,but as I jumped up,I felt like choking. I coughed up and held my ankle. It looked as if it was broken.

I limped up and walked a little back,as to avoid being soundwaved again. The voice spoke again. 'PERCY JACKSON,I AM CHAOS, THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE'. Once again the voice was deep,but also ancient. Like it hadn't been used in along time. It was as ancient as the Universe itself.

Based on this hypothesis,I clearly recognized this person as Chaos. I bowed,feeling deeply honored to be an acquaintance of the Creator himself. No,acquaintance might be a strong word. Most likely in the presence of.

Percy Jackson: The Defender of Olympus Where stories live. Discover now