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Author's Notes:I've had this fic in the works since I started writing Attachment Theory and it's changed pretty substantially since then

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Author's Notes:
I've had this fic in the works since I started writing Attachment Theory and it's changed pretty substantially since then. At first, it was just a strangers to lovers/roommate!Bucky fic, and now it's morphed into something totally different and I can't wait for y'all to read it.

This is kind of set in MCU canon in that it's set six months after the events of TFATWS, but I'm going to go pretty wild with this one. I'll bring in some old faces, retcon some stuff, and mess with things. I really, REALLY hope that you guys enjoy this one. It's already been really fun to start writing.

Lux Brumalis isn't going to be NEARLY as dark as Oleander, but it will have some darker elements at certain points, and some... supernatural elements? 👀 

Like all of my fics, this story is meant to be 18+. It will be smutty, as all of my work is. It also deals with some heavy themes and none of my work is really meant for minors. I can't stop you from reading it, but your media consumption is your responsibility, not mine.

There will be some academic jargon with respect to Charlotte's job. I will always put a mini glossary/explanation in the author's notes at the bottom of the chapter so that things are clearer/more in context. If you need further clarification, please feel free to ask me! I'm happy to help out!

Any language translations will also be located in author's notes at the end of each chapter. Lots of people ask me for translations in the comments, not realizing that I've put them in author's notes, so this is just a note with respect to that. If you ask for a translation in the comment section, you'll be directed to the bottom of the page 🥰

OKAY. I don't want to give too much away. If you're ready to go on this journey with me, let's fucking do this!

ADDENDUM: While I appreciate people correcting things occasionally, individuals who are acting as my copy editor will be ignored and if they keep pushing those boundaries, they will be blocked. This isn't work that's been gone over multiple times like a published book, there are going to be some minor inconsistencies and errors because fanfic is the equivalent of a first draft for many people. I may fix them in the future upon a re-read, but please don't pile on me in the comments acting like my editor on every chapter. It's not appreciated.


Major Content Warnings: 
Violence, a lot of blood and discussions around blood, violence against women, massive abuses of power by older men (not Bucky, don't worry), possessive/jealous Bucky, attempted sexual assault, discussions around miscarriage/grief.

Alpine is also deaf in this fic. Not a content warning, it's just cute as fuck. I had a deaf cat growing up named Yoda and I really miss that adorable, screeching weirdo. 

Smut Warnings:
Size kink, praise kink, switch!Bucky, inappropriate use of Bucky's metal arm. Other warnings will be noted at the beginning of each chapter.

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