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CW: smut (oral sex), dirty talk, comfort sex, daddy kink, Bucky talks about his kiiiiinks! Because next chapter, you're getting dom!Charlotte and sub!Bucky

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CW: smut (oral sex), dirty talk, comfort sex, daddy kink, Bucky talks about his kiiiiinks! Because next chapter, you're getting dom!Charlotte and sub!Bucky.

No sweeping exit
Or offstage lines
Could make me feel bitter
Or treat you unkind
- The Rolling Stones, "Wild Horses"

Blade, Bucky, and Sam sit in Blade's car watching the church for a good hour to make sure that there's nobody coming in or out. At one point, a cop car drives by and the three of them sink down into their seats to avoid being seen.

"You know you can get out of this, right?" Bucky hisses. "You're Captain America."

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean I wanna have to explain to a cop why I'm parked outside of an abandoned church with two other grown men!" Sam bites back.


The cop car stops and stays there for a long time, but they wait it out until it drives away, leaving them in the dark.

Once they feel like they're probably safe, they sit back up climb out of the car and head toward the church with all of their weapons in tow. They go around the back. Bucky picks the lock with a small knife, popping it open with ease and they head inside, armed with UV lamps, guns with silver hollow points, and vampire mace. The church is empty, but the windows are painted black, or boarded up, and the place smells like an animal's den. Bucky has to keep himself from gagging.

"They must sleep in here," Blade replies. "Like animals."

The floor is sticky with blood. Bucky can hear the soles of his shoes peeling off of it with every step he takes. Christ, this is disgusting.

They creep through the church. The first floor is a bust. There's nothing here, just some discarded clothes, and some jewelry that Blade picks up and puts it in his pocket.

"Seriously, man?" Sam asks.

Blade smirks.

"How do you think we fund this little organization, hmm? We aren't exactly the March of Dimes."

Sam rolls his eyes and Bucky manages to find a door to a basement.

"Hey!" He hisses. "Down here!"

The door is ajar, and Bucky kicks it open with his boot, stepping through and clearing the area. He and Blade have the best eyesight out of the three of them. They creep down the stairs, Bucky's entire body on high alert. Every creak, every groan makes his eyes twitch, but his training kicks in and he manages to breathe deeply to slow his heart down. If this were anything else, or any other human, he would be much better at this, but vampires are fast. A week of hunting them has told Bucky that much. They're strong, too. Almost as strong as he is, but they're no match for a vibranium arm holding a silver stake.

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