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REGULAR CONTENT WARNINGS: Violence, blood, descriptions of gore

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REGULAR CONTENT WARNINGS: Violence, blood, descriptions of gore.

SMUT CONTENT WARNINGS: Rough sex, a bit of a chase kink, spanking, bondage, edging, oral sex (f receiving), rough sex, hair pulling, degradation kink, praise kink, sub!Bucky.

Errors are mine. It's 2:00am and I'm going to bed. If you see mistakes, mind your business lol. I'll fix them in the morning.

Her phone rings at 5:00pm. Bucky is still asleep, flat on his back, his mouth slightly open. Charlotte groans softly and reaches for the phone. It's Peter. She blinks and sits up to answer it.


"Charlotte, you have to turn on the TV right now."

"What's going on, Pete?"

"Please. Wake up Mr. Barnes. This is serious. Caleb... he knows."

Her stomach almost drops right out of her body and she takes a deep breath.

"Stay on the phone with us?"

"Facetime? Call me back? Sam is with me."

"Sure, I just have to put some clothes on."

"No problem."

They hang up and Charlotte grabs her shirt and jeans, pulling them onto her body as fast as she can while Bucky continues to snore. She feeds Alpine to keep her busy and rushes toward Bucky, shaking him gently.

"Buck... Bucky, wake up." Nothing. She sighs and shakes him harder. "Bucky!"

He groans and rolls over. Charlotte stomps her foot.

"Sergeant! On your feet!"

Bucky shoots up and looks around. When he finds Charlotte's eyes, he glares.

"What the hell, Charlotte?!" He snaps, rubbing his eyes. "What are you doing?!"

"You wouldn't get up! Peter wants to FaceTime with us and he said we have to turn on the TV."

Bucky groans.

"Come on, I'm so tired. Can't this wait?"

"Bucky, please. Peter sounded scared."

Bucky sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"Okay, okay. Sorry. Can you pass me my hoodie?" Charlotte collects it from the ground and hands it to him. He smiles up at her and she can't help but lean over and kiss him. "Thanks, doll."

"You're welcome, handsome."

Bucky zips it up over his muscular frame and she hops onto the bed while Alpine eats her breakfast. He smiles at the kitten.

"I love her so much," he whispers.

Charlotte chuckles.

"She's your little protector, isn't she?"

Lux Brumalis - Bucky BarnesxOCWhere stories live. Discover now