CHAPTER TWO: I Know the End

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Either way, we're not aloneI'll find a new place to be fromA haunted house with a picket fenceTo float around and ghost my friendsNo, I'm not afraid to disappearThe billboard said the end is near

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Either way, we're not alone
I'll find a new place to be from
A haunted house with a picket fence
To float around and ghost my friends
No, I'm not afraid to disappear
The billboard said the end is near

- Phoebe Bridgers, "I Know the End"

He paid for sushi. Well, Sam gave him some money.

"Take her out for dinner. Do not cook for her. You can't handle that shit right now."

"I can cook."

"Like hell you can."

"I make oatmeal."

"Yeah, from a packet. Even Alpine hates it, man. If you make that poor woman oatmeal, I'll kick your ass."

So, he ordered takeout. Again. He's actually not a bad cook, he just gets easily distracted.

Why does cooking involve having so many pans? And burners on? And different utensils to use? How is he supposed to keep an eye on the chicken he's cooking while he's supposed to be chopping vegetables? It's impossible. And then he has to make sure Alpine isn't eating anything. It's a whole thing.

Hence, the numerous takeout boxes in his trash.

Charlotte doesn't seem to mind. She's actually pretty easygoing.

She talks a lot. Bucky thought he would start to find it annoying after a few minutes, but he finds he's actually listening. She's interesting, and he feels a kind of instantaneous connection with her. It kind of reminds him of his friendship with Sam.

They started out on the wrong foot, for obvious reasons. Bucky felt really bad about trying to kill him. But then their friendship has blossomed into something that Bucky truly appreciates — when Sam isn't annoying the fuck out of him, which is always.

He chews his food and sips his beer, content to listen to her as she talks. She's not talking about missions, or saving the world, she's just... talking. Sometimes it's just to fill the awkward silence between two strangers who really only got to know each other on the walk to the sushi place and back, and other times she cracks jokes and makes him laugh. Really make him laugh. She's very funny. Dry, sarcastic, swears a lot. She talks with her hands a lot, too. He likes it.

She'll get along well with Sam, he thinks.

But what surprises Bucky the most is that he's responding to her with quiet nods and the occasional question - all of the things his therapist told him were the hallmarks of proper communication. The best part is it doesn't feel forced.

When he first got his mind back, sitting across the table from someone and sharing a meal was a terrifying prospect. And it's still a little terrifying, but he's pushing through it.

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