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CW: Praise kink, dirty talking Bucky, kitchen sex 😏, fingering, masturbation, a dash of spanking (just a dash!)

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CW: Praise kink, dirty talking Bucky, kitchen sex 😏, fingering, masturbation, a dash of spanking (just a dash!). This is a lot filthier than I intended it to be. What can I say? Bucky Barnes just does something to me.

Also, discussions of murder/blood, and looking through a crime scene, protective/jealous Bucky, and some fluff. There's a dialogue reference to The Heat. It's one of the funniest fucking movies I've ever seen and I love it.

I can't care about anything but you.
- The Cardigans, "Lovefool"

The room is quiet and Charlotte rubs her face. One of her hands dangles below the kitchen island and she feels Bucky reach out to brush her fingers with his before bringing his hand up to his mouth. He gnaws on his fingernails so that it doesn't look like they were holding hands underneath the kitchen island. She knows the gesture is a quiet form of support, a way to tell her that he's here and he cares about how she's feeling. It's also sweet, almost innocent.

"Do the police have any leads?" Charlotte asks. "Are they doing fucking anything?"

"Other than coming to your office and asking questions, no," Sam replies. "I can't figure out why they're not saying anything."

"They might not want to cause panic, Cap," Peter tells him as he walks toward the coffee maker. "The whole city could freak out."

"Hey! Get away from there!" Bucky snaps, pointing at Peter. Peter stops in his tracks with his eyes wide, holding the coffee pot as the liquid trickles into a mug.

"What'd I do?"

Sam rolls his eyes.

"He's not a cat, Buck."

Bucky frowns.

"I'm almost eighteen, Mr. Barnes," Peter retorts as he pours himself a cup and then starts rooting through Bucky's fridge for coffee creamer while Bucky gets more and more annoyed. "I drink coffee."

"You've gotta chill out, grandpa," Sam laughs.


"Yeah, grandpa," Sam retorts. "The kid drinks coffee. He's out saving New York seven days a week and going to school."

"I didn't say he didn't drink it, I'm just questioning whether or not he needs any more of it. He's vibrating."

"That's just adrenaline," Peter replies as he shakes a little sipping his coffee.

"I'm worried about his heart," Bucky tells Sam.

Sam scoffs.


Charlotte sighs, exasperated by the banter. This is too much. They're getting derailed. She hates to be the buzzkill in the room, but she has a lot of questions, and Sam hasn't really answered her first one.

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