CHAPTER SEVEN: Bedroom Hymns

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CW: Smut (oral sex, fingering, protected sex, lots of dirty talk from Bucky, praise kink), and small discussions of trauma relating to miscarriage. This is soft, sweet, and very romantic smut. Bucky is a perfect gentleman, but he'll get filthier and more depraved.

This is as good a place to fall as any
We'll build our altar here
Make me your Maria
I'm already on my knees

You had Jesus on your breath
And I caught him in mine
Sweating our confessions
The undone and the divine
- Florence + The Machine, "Bedroom Hymns"

Bucky pours himself another drink while Charlotte sips her wine and continues to cook the meat. She's gone through almost the entire bottle while Bucky sticks to his whiskey, his cheeks getting more and more flushed with intoxication with each passing second. Neither of them say anything for a very long time. The room feels tense, like she wants to escape, but she also doesn't want to leave. So, they both start drinking. Because nothing bad has ever happened once you start adding more alcohol, right?

Charlotte is really afraid they're going to do something they both regret.

They shoot each other furtive, twinkling glances, and then tear their eyes away. Bucky fidgets nervously and glances at the kitchen island where Alpine is still perched, watching both of them as though she knows what went on in the other room. She might be used to watching them laugh and joke around. Charlotte had cats growing up. They notice shifts in energy, and they pay attention. Animals are so much smarter than people give them credit for.

Some wolves domesticated themselves because the relationship between prehistoric humans and wolves was mutually beneficial. Cats exploited resources provided by human development, and since they were tolerated by people, we just let them live with us.

And human beings think we're the smartest creatures on earth. It seems rather silly to think we're the only beings capable of intelligence, or even empathy.

She tries to keep herself lost in thought, but winds up distracted when she catches Bucky staring at her again. He's pretending to check his phone and doing a terrible job of it. He hasn't moved from the counter, twisting his whiskey glass back and forth with his metal hand. Charlotte is certain that he hasn't asked if he could help because he's worried he might not be able to control himself around her. She's grateful for the distance between them, but feels herself missing the closeness.

"Can you help me assemble these things?" Charlotte asks as she begins to place some of the meat on the tortilla shells. "How many do you—"

Bucky's jaw clenches. At first, she thinks he's going to say something or maybe even snap at her. It was her decision to come back to the kitchen. Maybe he wants to talk about this.

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