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Thank you for all your questions!


Q: Why are you so good at writing stories?

A: Don't know why or how or if my stories are even good. They just come out of my brain.

Q: Is cereal a soup?

A: Absolutely not!


Q: Are Isaac and Spencer still together?

A: I debated in my head about this for a while about whether I would keep them together or not and I still don't know, so that's why Spencer doesn't appear in the Epilogue. When I come to a decision about it, it will probably be address in a bonus chapter.


Q: Did you ever consider not having Carson and Vinny end up together?

A: Yes. I did genuinely consider not having them end up together, but I like happy endings too much to actually go through with that. Originally, I was going to have them completely break up in the last chapter instead of somewhat being together during the summers. Then, they would rekindle their romance in the Epilogue at Logan and Dana's wedding. But when I wrote it all out, it just didn't work out that way, but I always knew I wanted the Epilogue to be them getting back together after having been broken up for a while. This was the first story I wrote that I wasn't 100% they would end up together either!


Q: Why did you decide to have them on and off? Your other books seem to have a solid happy ever after, after high school?

A: There are a few reasons for this. One major one is Vinny's mental health. I never wanted him relying on Carson for his happiness and I didn't want Carson "fixing" him, so I decided to show that Vinny wasn't overly relying on Carson by having them break up and him still being (at least somewhat) functioning and okay. Another thing about his mental health is that it causes him to lash out and be defensive and have moods, and I didn't want Carson to just have to deal with that and excuse Vinny for his actions just because of his mental health because that's not an excuse for how he treated him. I was also trying something new with the way I write relationships because in my first two stories the main characters get together and have a pretty solid relationship throughout most of it, so I wanted to try something new. I also didn't know if they were going to even end up together, so from the start I always knew their relationship was going to be rocky. I think it made sense for them to be on and off, and for them to have had some time apart toward the end before they ended up together for real.

Q: Will Archie find a partner?

A: I feel like Archie is going to be a bachelor for a while. I don't see him settling down while he's still in his early 20s.

Q: What happened to Darren?

A: I have some ideas about that that will most likely be addressed in a bonus chapter.


Q: You wrote about Carson finding himself and what he wants. What kind of profession or area do you see him going into because of this?

A: The reason I wrote that about Carson is because I have been having similar feelings about my own life, and that was a way for me to deal with what that's doing to me mentally. So I have no idea what Carson is going to do later because I have no idea what I'm going to do. That was a little piece of me that I put into his character. What I want for Carson (and for myself) is for him to find something he is passionate about. I don't want him to have to work just to make money, but to make a difference in the world and feel good about doing whatever he's doing.

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