Part 2, Chapter 8: Discovery

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Arlo's Apartment, 3:00 PM


A few days passed since Seraphina's call with Claire. In those days, Seraphina had been avoiding the Royals as a whole as John was spending time training with them. She was getting nowhere on her own trying to uncover John and Claire's mystery and was contemplating more desperate measures...

For the Royals, John had been working on and off with them to improve their abilities and fighting chances. This included everything from hand-to-hand to ideas on how to manipulate their powers.

However, there was a distinct tension in the air when they trained, one of urgency and worry. Although they had not intended to tangle with the authorities at the Spectre facility, they got their first encounter with them. Luckily they had John to back them up, but now they would not, and the threat of ability amplifiers was serious.

Arlo was mostly working on his own as he already knew ways to manipulate his barriers, while Blyke had learned from watching John as well as discovering his own new technique. The one John had to dedicate most of his time to was Remi. Elaine and Isen were supports and could passively improve themselves by assisting others.

John was particularly concerned for Remi as she was the only one who had not recently improved and was needed on the frontline to directly fight like Arlo.

"Okay, we can begin now" John stated.

"You have some new tricks?" Remi asked.

"Remi" John began. "Have you ever tried to make something with your lightning?"

Remi thought for a second before answering, thinking back to her brother.

"No. My brother nor I have ever tried to" she replied.

"That's going to change today... You need to be able to hold yourself for longer in a fight, and this is how we'll do it" John concluded.

"Activate your ability" John asked.

Remi did so, and John copied immediately after, releasing his own black lightning.

"Alright, now what?" Remi asked, sporting her own electricity.

"Hold on, I'm thinking of what to make" said John.

After a moment of nothing happening, John moved his hands together and slowly pulled them apart. As he did so, his lightning visually concentrated at the focal point as he spread his arms out. A few seconds later, John was holding a staff.

Remi's jaw dropped, never having seen something such as that be done with her family's ability.

"H-How d-d-did y-you... DO THAT" Remi ran to John in excitement.

"SHOW ME SHOW ME SHOW ME SHOW ME!" She chanted over and over again.

"Alright, alright!" John tried to calm her down while releasing his staff to just regular lightning.

"I have a million questions" Remi stated.

"I can see that" John added. "Trust me, there are many other things you can do than just a staff."

"I am more than ready!" Remi exclaimed.

"Let's start with something you want to create... Can you think of anything?" John asked.

"Uhm... I got it, a bow!" Remi thought.

"Give it a shot" John approved.

Remi assumed the same stance as John earlier and closed her eyes while bringing her hands together. Her lightning began to form around her hands and she slowly started to pull them apart. A bright flash was briefly seen and John covered his eyes to block the light.

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