Part 2, Chapter 13: Problem of the Press

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Wellston Private High School:

Hallway, With John


John was looking down at the article in his hands, wondering if he should march to the press office and behead Cecile.

'Why am I not surprised that she found out about this...' John thought. 'She must have had a bug in the office or a kid waiting outside.'

John looked up and around the filled hallway.

'Everyone here has most likely seen this' John thought as he crumpled the paper in his grasp. 'I think it's time I revisit the press as king once again...'

As John began to walk, those throughout the hallway began to clear a path for his advance. Although it was not like in the past, a march of war and hatred, it was still intimidating.


Outside the Press Room:


"Oh, Cecile! Open up!" John called from the outside.

'Wait... I have a better idea' John realized.

John decided to kick the door down. With both of his hands in his pockets, John lifted his leg and busted broke the lock in one strike. The door violently swung open, revealing a horrified press team who were huddling behind Cecile at her desk.

"Everyone aside from Cecile, out now" John demanded.

Following his direct orders, the press members scattered about and exited the room.

"Why did you do this?" John asked as he tossed Cecile the crumpled up poster.

"John, it had to be done... You know I had to post that article about the sudden transition of power" Cecile defended her actions.

"Well, that is not entirely true" John began. "You simply could have asked me before you did it... You also didn't need to include that I am no longer a junior, but a senior, now."

"..." Cecile was silent.

"Cecile, I am not that John anymore... I'm not asking for us to be friends, but now that I am being forced back on the throne, I need you to be with me, not against" John stated.

"What do you mean by that?" Cecile asked. "Our last conversation ended in me being beaten half to death by you!"

"True... But you did disobey the structure of power that I clearly imposed during my rule" John explained. "However, I do acknowledge that I went too far, and that won't happen again."

"So, what is you point then?" Cecile finally asked.

"I will let you off on this article since most of the information was necessary... However, at least run it by me next time" John finished.

"Alright... I will" Cecile hesitantly agreed.

"Good" John left, peacefully.


Spectre Facility:

Training Room


Craters littered the area surrounding the fighters. Bruised and battered stood several of the Royals as Ella was more than a match for most of them. Yet, Arlo and Seraphina, an old duo, were standing firm against her assaults.

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