Part 59

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A few months later and it was now new years eve. I was over the moon happy about being married to Robert. In September me Robert and Olivia went on a little holiday to Spain it was beautiful and i loved every moment. It was basically a honeymoon for us but bringing along Olivia. She was growing up so fast and i couldn't believe my eyes. Tonight we were having a new years party and I couldn't wait to tell everyone my exiting news. I am a month pregnant i took a test and asked to see the doctor and it was true I couldn't believe i was on my second child.

I was currently sat in the car at the waterfalls it had been snowing so it was absolutely freezing here and i was enjoying the peace and quite before the mad rush tonight. I was playing 8 ball pool on my phone then i got interrupted by Robert face timing me so I answered

Robert- hello

He was sat in what looked like our living room and i could hear olivia jabbering in the backround. He was with gwen and paul so he had company.

Me- hello there. What can i help you with?

Robert- our daughter is going wild. That bunny that sings you said to buy her because she will love it was a bad idea. Its scary

Me- well our daughter loves it so stop complaining

Robert- yeah yeah whatever. When are you home we need to start getting ready.

Me- i will make my way now wont be long

Robert- okay. You look beautiful

He winks at me and i smile

Me- why thank you. See you in a bit

Robert- drive safe darling

Me- im always safe Robert

Robert- not on ice you aint

Me- oh shush im going now anyway you are boring me.

Robert- okay see you in a bit

I wave goodbye then i hang up. I place my phone on bluetooth and play my Christmas songs. I know its new year but its still Christmas until January the 2nd. I drove home and when i pulled up it started to snow. Luckily we were having the party here. I got out and walked home.

"Mummy!!" I hear olivia shout and i smile at her lifting her into my arms.

"Are you okay princess" i ask.

She nods and i place her down. I walk in the living room and see Robert gwen and paul.

"Hello there" i say sitting down on the sofa.

"Well hello where have you been?" Paul asks.

"Top secret. And no its not a strip club" i say with a smirk.

"Oh i bet. Anyway i will keep watching olivia while you get ready" gwen says.

"Thanks gwen. Wont be long" i say.

I make my way upstairs and to my getting ready room and start to do my makeup and through the mirror i see Robert walking in.

"Can i help you?" I ask smirking.

"Yes you can. I need sugar" he says.

"Downstairs in the right hand side of the top cupboard" i say.

"Lips love i need your lips" he says wrapping his arms around my neck lightly.

"Well i cant tear them off sorry" i say adding my mascara.

He spins my chair around and his lips land on mine with a little force. I groan escapes my lips and he is making me horny once again. I swear we are both always horny i think thats why i am pregnant again.

"Why do you seem dazed out?" He asks.

"Oh im fine just day dreaming" i say.

"About me?" He asks wiggling your eye brows.

"Whatever you wish" i say.

He rolls his eyes and walks out of the room and i get changed into;

He rolls his eyes and walks out of the room and i get changed into;

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I then add my flat shoes and walk downstairs. I pick olivia off gwen and take her to change into a pink sparkly dress she had for Christmas. Then i hear people starting to arrive.

I take olivia back downstairs and she goes straight to zen. I smile and walk into the kitchen and pour myself some lemonade.

"Why aint you drinking?" I hear my dad ask.

"Uh i will later i just want to look after olivia" i lie. Obviously I couldn't drink.

"Dont lie i have known you all your life. You are made by me. Your pregnant again aint you" my dad asks.

"Yeah. Please dad dont tell anyone yet i will tell them in a bit" i say.

"No you tell them now. They will probably be drunk in the next hour" he says.

"Ugh fine" i say.

He takes my hand and leads me to the living room clinking a glass.

"Please could i have all you beautiful peoples attention" he says.

The room goes quite and he smiles.

"Hallie take it away" he says.

"Oh my is she gonna sing?" Betty asks.

"Absolutely no chance. I have something to say and im gonna just go ahead and say it. Olivia you are having a new baby brother or sister and Robert you are gonna be a dad again" i say.

Everyone gasps but then turns into squeals and claps . Olivia ran up to me and hugged me and Robert kissed me.

"How far along?" Mum asked.

"A month. Sorry I haven't said sooner" i say.

"No problem. Cant believe im gonna be a granny again" my mother says.

Everyone congratulates me and we all have fun at the party. After a while many of them were drunk but Robert wasn't. It was time for the countdown.

" NEW YEAR" we all shouted.

Robert spun me around and kissed me. It was very passionate and I couldn't be happier. Everyone else kissed their partners and the singles hugged the other singles and the kids well they all just shouted. Olivia was holding my hand so i picked her up and me and Robert hugged her. I couldn't be more happier

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