Part 41

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Christmas part 2

We walked downstairs and i sat on the sofa in the middle of my mother and my father. We gave each other presents and opened them. Robert had gave me a necklace, bracelet and earrings from vivien westwood.

"Oh my god these are beautiful thank you Robert. This must of costed a lot" i say in awe.

"You deserve it." He says. He looks at my dad and nods and so does my dad.

"Hals theres a pile of presents over there next to the fireplace. They are for you" my mum says.

"What? I have had loads" i say.

"Just open them. They are off all of us in this room" tom says

I walk over to them and i sit on the floor. Lexi sits next to me so i smile at her. I start opening them the first was a baby gate so i giggled. The presents were huge i had to say. The second was a box with a cot in which we had to put together. Another was a wardrobe. Four was a changing table and then there was a present that i opened and it was another box full of baby books. Baby monitors. A teddy creams lotions baby powder shampoo and a rubber duck. I was in so much shock. I couldn't talk all i did was leave out tears.

"Awh why are you crying dont you like the pressies?" Lexi asks.

"Yes of course i do. I love them im just uh in shock. You didn't have to get all these things for me. The. Baby isn't here yet. Im so greatful. Thank you all so much" i say wiping my tears.

"You are probably wondering where you are gonna keep all these things" mum asks.

"Yeah paul could i borrow your house to keep them in until i find the room" i ask.

"Come with me" Robert says.

He hands out his hand to me and helps me up. He takes my hand and leads me upstairs to the spare room. He opens the door and i gasp. The room was painted a light gray and one white wall with 'paint the colour here' written on it.

"This is the baby's future room. When we find out the gender do you want to move in with me? I know i have already asked but i want to ask again. If you dont want to thats fine i would completely understand j ju-" he starts.

Before he finished his sentence i plant my lips on his to making him stop talking then i pull away.

"I would love to move in with you Robert" i say.

" i know its a little awkward as we aint a couple yet but as soon as the school year is done we will definitely make it official i dont think i can wait any longer than that" he says with a smile

"Neither can i" i say.

He pulls me in and hugs me. Its weird he never normally hugs me it's normally a kiss or a sofa cuddle not a proper full on cuddle standing up.

"Im falling for you hard Robert and i cant help myself" i whisper.

"Im falling for you too hallie" he reply's.

I smile into his chest but he pulls away.

"Dinner wont be too long. Do be a favour though entertain lexi for gwen" he laughs.

"Okay i will" i laugh back.

He takes my hand again and we walk downstairs. We go our separate ways he goes into the kitchen and i walk into the living room.

"Hallie come play a game with us!" Lexi shouts.

"Sure what game?" I ask sitting on the sofa next to her.

"Battle ships. You come on my team while we vs tom and jacob" lexi says.

We play it for a while and of course tom was winning.

"Foods ready" Robert says.

I stand up and we all make our way to the table. I sat down opposite paul and bettany. Gosh thats gonna be confusing two pauls, two chris's and two toms. My life couldn't be anymore confusing. Robert came in and handed us our plates and cuterly. We helped ourselves to food that was on the table. I wasn't really that hungry but i dad have a bit of food.

"Oh my this is delicious" my dad says.

"Well what can we say. Amazing chefs" bettany says.

We all ate and i didn't feel too good.

"Excuse me" i say.

I make my way from the table and i rush to the bathroom. I puked in the toilet. It wasn't much but it wasn't even like proper puke. Its like water.

I washed my mouth out with the mouthwash that was on the side and walked out of the bathroom where i bumped into zen.

"You alright?" She asks.

"Yeah the morning sickness is a little late today i think" i laugh.

"Come on everyone was worried they thought something was wrong" zen says.

We walk back to the table and finish our food. For desert we had cake and custard. It was delicious. After we all finished we just sat around the table talking.

"I have something i want to say" Robert says randomly

"Is it finally happening" gwen says happily.

"Is what finally happening?" I ask very confused.

"Hallie i know that you are still in school and things. It may be a little hard to keep it a secret in school but i have fallen for you hallie. Yes you and I didn't start off on the best start i mean we were arguing all the time but look at us now. Hallie will you be my girlfriend. Make it official i cant deal with not calling you mine anymore" he asks.

I was shocked. I didn't know what to say or do but everyone was beaming with smiles.

"I uh i will be your girlfriend Robert" i say with happiness

He picks me up and kisses me. It was like off a movie where the boy asks the girl and she says yes and he picks her up excitedly.

"Wait i thought you too were already boyfriend and girlfriend" lexi says.

We all let out a laugh.

"Well we are now. I will help you clean up" i say.

"No no you sit down we are fine" Robert says.

"No i cant sit down all the time rob. Gwen and paul have a break you have been cooking all morning i will help mr downey here" i say.

"Okay thanks hal. We will clean the table" gwen says.

We take the plates to the kitchen and i start to wash up. I feel his arms snake around my waist and spin me around.

"Hey beautiful" he says.

"Well hey there" i reply with a little laugh.

"You didn't have to say yes to being my girlfriend. We could of waited i Dont mind" he says.

"No. Im glad you asked. We actually got a label now" i smile.

He kisses me and i kiss back but push away

"If you keep kissing me i will never get this place cleaned up. Oh what date do we go back to school?" I ask.

"Monday the 6th of jan. You have the scan on the 3rd dont you?" He asks.

"Yeah. You are coming with me" i say.

He smiles brightly.

"Of course. Cant wait to see what our little peanut will be" he says.

He turns around and we clean the kitchen. The day went quite fast to be honest. Everyone was drunk and i was on lexi duties. It was late so i took her to Roberts bedroom and we both laid down. All i could hear was the music from downstairs. I hug into lexi and think about this baby. I couldn't wait to have it and i cant believe i am now Roberts girlfriend.

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