Chapter 1

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The feared clown. Little was known about his personal life, and nobody wanted to know. Most who knew about him were terrified of him. The ones who weren't didn't want to get themselves involved with a guy like him. But if they had done a bit of digging they would have known about his adorable little sister (Y/n). This is her story now. Not the creepy clowns.

(Y/n) POV

Begging. I've literally been begging this stupid clown for hours to finally let me try to become a hunter this year. There's no real age limit for it and if I get into any real danger Hisoka would be there. Not like I would get into danger, I have been personally trained by him after all. Which means I'm stronger than the average 18 year olds. Actually I'm probably stronger than most adults.

"Please Oka I really want to go. I'm already super strong and have even been on missions with Illumi. I know what death looks like and I know how to inflict death on someone. So please let me go to the hunters' exams!"

"I know you're strong. That's not the point. If you get hurt then I won't forgive myself."

"But I wouldn't get hurt and you know that!"

"I suppose"


"Fine but only because Illumi and I are going this year as well."

"Thank you brother!!"

"If anyone even dares to touch a hair on your head. I'll kill them."

"Don't worry I won't let them"

I say with the biggest smile. Finally I'm going to the hunter exams.

1 month later

"Do you have everything you need?"

"Yup! Bandages, change of clothes, hygiene products, and some extra money just in case!"

"You're a little too prepared for this. You could just bring nothing."

"And smell as bad as you? No thanks."

And with a dirty look we're out of our house and off to the hunter exams.

Since Hisoka has already been to the hunter exams he already knew how to get there. Though the location changed apparently he still managed to find it. Creepy clown.

Anyway when we got there he was given a pin with the number #44 and I got one with number #45. Barely anyone was there yet and I couldn't feel Illumi's presence anywhere. Though other than my brother, I could definitely kill everyone here.

I don't think I'll have to fight them but they better hope they don't have to fight me. Most of them are giving me weird looks. Is it because I look pretty young for my age? Brother has said I look 13 even though I'm 18. It's just my height. 5'3 isn't even that short. (Deadass)
I guess they think I'm a child. That really annoys me, I mean I could fight better than all of them even if I look younger than I am. Now I kinda sound like a child because of how much I'm complaining. I think I'll just sleep for a while. Brother and I are against a wall right now. I decided to sit down next to him and lay my head on his shoulder. I can feel people staring at me like I had just slapped a lion. Who cares, I'm tired.

"Oka wake me up in an hour, ok?"

"Alright bee"

"Night night"

"Rest well"

After Hisoka said that, I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Hisoka's POV

Why does everyone keep looking at (Y/n)? If they don't stop staring I'll kill them. But if I move I might wake up the little bee sleeping on me. That wouldn't be so good would it? Why does she still call me Oka? She called me that because when she was a baby she couldn't say Hisoka so she'd say Oka. Honestly adorable. Though I'm sure they're tired of me calling them bee. But I suppose she's not going to say anything about it. When will these people stop staring? I'll seriously kill you all.


I slowly start to wake up and realize there's so many more people here. Shit. I totally let my guard down since I was with Hisoka. As I slowly turn my head to look at him I see him giving some people death stares.

"Stop that" I say, slapping the back of his head.

He turns his head to look at me as most people are looking at us like I'm about to be killed.

"Stop what." The dumb clown says.

"What do you think? You're scaring those poor people who have fallen victim to your nasty glare."

"Should they think I'm a cute clown who gets paid to go to birthday parties?"

I started laughing a bit loud. That's a funny picture. Hisoka juggling colorful balls to entertain little kids. After I started laughing, Hisoka just gave me an almost dumbfounded look and got up to walk away. I got up to chase after him.

"Waitttt Oka it was just a funny image in my head!!" As I start to slow down my small chase some random man runs into me.

"Hey watch it" the rando man says to me in a rude tone. Before I could even hit him his arms started to disappear. Damn Hisoka beat me to it.

Then the screaming starts. How loud must he scream? He's too loud. Hisoka should've just killed him.

"My, how unusual. Seems this poor man's arms have turned into flower petals. Now you see them, now you don't." He says in a threatening tone.

He then continues to say "You should be more careful, and do apologize when you bump into someone."

"Just perfect. The psychopath is back again." You overhear someone say. What a funny looking guy.

"You know that guy?" I then hear what I guess to be a young kid say. I start to look around to see where the voices are from. I then spotted them.

"So does that mean he tried last year."  A guy who looked kinda like a girl said.

"Number 44, Hisoka the magician. He was the number one pick to pass last year's exams. Until he almost killed an examiner that he didn't approve of. But I have no idea who the girl is."

So that's why he didn't pass last year? What a stupid clown.

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