Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

(Y/n) POV

Back on the airship I realize how tired I am. I'm standing next to Hisoka as some green jelly bean is talking. Something about how we're flying to the next exam on the airship. Honestly I couldn't care less as I wait for him to finally stop talking. I'm already dozing off as everyone walks away. Ready to sleep I hear the big round man trying to scare Leorio and Kurapika. He was telling them how the next exam was most likely going to be on this very airship. And the exam had already begun and everything they did was part of a test. Truly funny. I decided I was going to fuck with him a bit. I begin walking towards them and put my arm around the round man's shoulder.

"Hey guys!!" I say overly enthusiastic. Terrified, the round man responds back

"O-oh h-hi there (Y/n)"

"Good evening (Y/n)" Kurapika, polite as ever, says

"Hey little lady!" Leorio says with a smile and a small wave. He's never going to drop the nicknames.

"Hey everyone! And what's your name again?" I say turning to round man

"Tonpa miss"

"Oh. HI tampon" at this Leorio was laughing LOUD. While Kurapika was holding in a laugh.

"Can you repeat what you just told them?" I ask

"O-of course. Um so. The next exam has- well has probably already started" Tonpa says with an obviously fake smile.

"Oh my goodness! That's not good. How will I sleep then?" I say with a sarcastic voice

"I-I only said probably it might be fine?" Tonpa said with another awkward smile

"Hey but didn't you just say the exam definitely started!?" Said Leorio

"O-oh haha. Did I? My mistake then." And with that he ran away. I looked back at the two of them and giggled to myself.

"He's quite the scaredy cat" I say

"You're right about that," Leorio says with a big smile. I look over at Hisoka who's staring at me.

"Hey!" I say waving at him "I'm going to stay here to talk to them, go on ahead!" All he does is nod at me and walks away. I'm sure he's going to stick close and just out of sight but that's good enough. I sit down in between them and begin talking to them endlessly. They are truly such nice company. Again I feel tired and am dozing off. I hope Hisoka won't be mad if I fall asleep between two guys. Gosh I'd love to see his face when he find m-

3rd person POV

And with that (Y/n) had fallen asleep. The guys realized this and just decided to talk quietly until they eventually fell asleep too. As this happened Hisoka rounded the corner and saw this scene.

Hisoka's POV

Disgusting. Why are these men near my Bee as she's sleeping? Carefully. Carefully. Finally. I got her out from between the two. I should really kill these two. But how would Bee feel? She seemed to genuinely like them. I have to carefully place her on the bed. Safe. She's thankfully not awake. But she shouldn't get attached. Don't let her get attached. They're gross. Never let them near her. Only if she approaches first. Keep them away.

A/n - sorry for the shorter chapter this week. I've just been super tired and unmotivated but this coming week is summer break so I'll make sure to have a good chapter out with the next exam in it :)
Have a lovely night<33

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