Chapter 7

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Hi!! I'm back :D I know I was away for way to long but I was so unmotivated. But now I believe I can take this book seriously so expect so much more in the future! Thank you for being patient.

Chapter 7


Slowly opening my eyes I realize I'm no longer near the boys. Hisoka must've taken me away. He's a little too overprotective sometimes. They're both nice and respectful people and I know they would never do anything to me. Whatever he's just being a good brother as he says.

I look around and realize I'm in a small room with my brother sitting on a chair by the door. Is he asleep? His eyes are closed but you can never tell with him.


"What is it (Y/N)?" Hisoka says with his eyes still closed.

"Can you move? I want to get out of here and apologize to Leorio and Kurapika" I'd feel bad if Hisoka ruined their sleep by getting me out from beside them.

"What?" He says now, finally opening his eyes.

"What if they woke up petrified by seeing you pick me up from beside them. What if they had a bad dream because of you?" I say giggling, it's half true since most people would get scarier at the sight of this clown.

"You don't apologize to people (Y/N), they apologize to you. You are better than them. Just forget those two bastards." "How dare they fall asleep next to you" he mumbles the last part but I heard him.

"I fell asleep before them! How is this their fault?"

"You are better than them (Y/N). You shouldn't even be near those vile things." He says finally standing up.

Oh. My. God. I finally meet someone other than people he knows and he's mad at me? Unbelievable.

"You isolated me my entire life and now that I've finally met people I get along with that are my age you're upset!? Move." I say as I'm getting off the bed and making my way to the door.

"Where are you thinking of going?" He says while watching me grab the door knob.

"To my friends." I say before slamming the door.

Hisoka's POV

"Friends" I laugh a little. Yeah sure. What happened to them being your acquaintances? They're using you. They're taking you away from me. You've changed because of them. Bastards. Lowlifes. Parasites. Stay away from my (Y/N). She's my sister not yours. She deserves so much more than you. Then any of you. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. Shit. I punched a hole in the wall. This room is no longer suitable for (Y/N). I should look for her. But then she'll be even more mad at me. She's all I have. I'm not losing her.
To anybody.


AGHHHH. Seriously, does he not realize that my life doesn't revolve around him? I can't believe him. So what if I'm better than them? They are warm hearted. I..
I want to be like them. They seemed so happy last night while we were talking. Not a care in the world at that moment. We were just. Kids. Kids who have a goal. But they also know how to care about others without pushing them aside for that goal. They're so kind. I hope if I spend enough time with them,
I'll also become a warm person.


Finally we're at the next exam. It's this weird tower that apparently we're supposed to go down? Not on the sides. But through it? What a weird exam this is. I look around just in time to see Leorio, Kurapika, Killua, and Gon fall through one of the boards. I run over to see that the flooring rotated. So that's how we're getting down. I look around for another one so I can go down. Then out of the corner of my eye I see a clown approaching me.

"Bee. I'm sorry. I just, you are, how do I put it? You're stronger then them and, so, well you're.. it's hard to see you around someone other than me or Illumi. What if they hurt you? Or worse-"

"Found one!" I say jumping into the floor.

"Wait-" I hear Hisoka yell before the floor closes. Seriously it's obvious I don't want to talk right now. Can't a girl have any space. I understand that he wants to protect me but I've finally found people I care for. Maybe. What's the meaning of care for anyway? I don't want to see them hurt. But I don't really like seeing people hurt. Because it hurts. But if they were dead would I care?

As I was thinking more into this I hear a speaker go off.

"Welcome, Welcome! We, The Hunter Association, have collected data about your whole life! Isn't that exciting? So this test will be a perfect match for you."

And with that the speaker was off.

In front of me was a long dark tunnel I wasn't excited to go down. I have to go down at some point. I cautiously take my first step down. I swear I will cry if something scary pops out at me.

And with that, my next exam had begun.

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