Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


After washing that disgusting man's blood off of me I decided to try to find Hisoka. Maybe even take a couple more badges on the way. Illumi is gone by now. Presumably finding his target. I pack all of my things up and head off to find the creepy clown.

I didn't very much like this phase of the exam. It's basically a big game of hide and seek. And I hate hide and seek. When I was younger Hisoka and me would play hide and seek together. But since he's a weird clown he would take the game a little to serious. I would spend hours on end just trying to find this idiot. He would never go easy on me even when I was younger. Fucking prick.

I think I see Gon? But I thought Hisoka was over in this direction. I could feel his bloodlust. He must be hunting. But why is Gon over here?

I sneek up behind him with zetsu and tiptoe behind him.

"Boo!" I whisper scream

"AGGHHHHHGH" Gon screams

"Hiya Gon" I say with a smile

"(Y/N) gosh I thought you were Hisoka"

"No but I believe he's coming over here now because he heard your scream" I say as I can feel Hisoka conseal his aura

"Do you by chance have Hisoka as your target?" I ask

"Yeah! How'd you know?" Gon looks very surprised

"Well you are currently stalking him" I say with a bit of a smile

"Ah I guess your right haha"

"Why hello there (Y/N), Gon" Hisoka suddenly says behind me

"Hey Hisoka" I say standing up and turning around to face him

"Gon." Hisoka says nodding his head at him

"H-hi" Gon says a bit scared

"Should we go find Illumi Oka?" I say

"I suppose" He says as hes walking off

I turn around and wave a bit at Gon while I walk away. I truly hope he's able to get Hisokas pin. Also I just saw Illumi not too long ago. I think he's this way. Ahh there he is. He's by a fairly big tree.

"I'm going to talk to Illumi so just stay here alright?" Hisoka says

"I suppose" I say taking a seat on a nearby log.

Hisoka walked over to Illumi and I can only assume they were talking about their badges and who to collect them from. I wonder if I kept any snacks in my bag?

I reach into my bag and pull out some croutons. I open the bag and start eating them. I guess by the time I finished eating, Hisoka and Illumi had finished their little boy talk and Hisoka started making his way over to me.

"I'm going out to find my badge. Will you be alright on your own?" Hisoka asks me while taking a seat next to me

"I'll be fine. Hey where's Illumi by the way?" I say looking around not seeing him anymore

"He buried himself in a hole to sleep." he says while smirking

"Like a mole?"

"Like a mole!" He says with a huge grin

"Anyways I'll be off to find some badges. I'll see you later, bee." Hisoka says standing up and running off

"See ya Oka" I say even though he's already gone.

Well I have basically nothing to do now. I guess I could nap as well? But I was just murdering someone like 20 minutes ago so I'm not exactly tired. I guess I can go have fun with someone else. Maybe I'll be able to find Leorio and Kurapika. They always stick together anyway. Or did they split up to find their own respective badges? Ugh I'll just try to find Leorio first. No offense but he's just a little funnier than Kurapika. And I feel like laughing right now. Especially after fighting that perv. Why was he so mad anyway? Maybe because I'm a Morow? Not my problem.

Anyway, where is this dude? He's like a giant so I should be able to see him anywhere.

"God, where is this giant loser- oh nevermind I see him." I say seeing him in the distance.

I walk over to him so I can talk to him but before I can get I see him talking to Tonpa. I'll just wait here until he's done. Kinda like stalking him. Tonpa is asking for medicine? What a loser. Wait, Leorio was about to give him his briefcase? How stupid. Though I think Tonpa is giving Leorio information about his target. Ugh this man is seriously out in the jungle begging for medicine. What a loser. Someone's about to steal his pin. I can sense them from above him. Should I help? It would be wrong of me not to right?

Before I could decide I see Leorio jump back and all of his stuff comes flying out of his briefcase. And.. a monkey grabs his pin? Then the monkey climbs up its owner and gives him the pin. I think I'm going to help. But I won't kill him I guess.

I start to run over but stop when I hear them talking. Might as well hear the drama first and then strike.

The weird monkey guy is the first to speak.

"Looks like I got your badge."

Yeah no shit Sherlock. I think to myself. Leorio looks astounded that Tonpa would betray him. Of course he would. You idiot. This guy's lucky we're friends or I would've killed him.

"I knew you were keeping it in your briefcase!" Tonpa says. Like obviously it wasn't on his person so where else would it be?

"Tonpa you're working together?" Leorio says

"You bet. And I didn't need your medicine. I've got my own." He says smugly. He is so weird. Leorio was being so nice to him and he betrayed him? I'm going to beat the ever living hell out of him.

"As you might have guessed. You were really my target the whole time." He says then immediately eats the medicine. So he was actually stupid enough to eat random nuts in the jungle.

"But the card you just showed me...?" Leorio says. He sounds so sad. Seriously these guys are done for.

"Oh that one's my card. And this one is Tonpa's" the guy with the monkey says pulling a card out of his pocket. It, of course, says 403 on it. Which is Leorio's number.

"We traded for this little deception. I just can't believe you fell for it." The guy with the monkey says with a stupid cheeky smile on his face. Even his dumb monkey has a smile too.

"So! There you have it. HAHAHAHAHA" Tonpa laughs.


Leorio starts chasing Tonpa as the guy with the monkey gets away. I suppose I'll go after him then. I know things are going to be fine as I feel Kurapikas presence down the road. I then begin my silent chase after the other guy. But it seems to be futile because after a while I see Leorio and Kurapika setting a trap for him. Kurapika grabbed the guy's monkey and threatened him for the badge. Which he easily gave over. Then he was tied up and put under a sign saying "do not feed!" with Tonpa. It seems they didn't need me after all. Though this has been fun. Tonpa was thankfully Kurapika's target so that was an easy win for him. Now they're in the middle of discussing an alliance. Which is very smart. Ugh things seem to have gotten boring again. I'll just go look for someone to fight.

I then walked away realizing I didn't get the chance to talk to Leorio at all. Well I suppose I'll just have to talk to him later.

A/N - I know I've been gone for so long. Obviously by the story I'm writing you can tell I'm still in school lol. My schedule has gotten super irregular and it won't have any official posting days for chapters. But I will be posting more often as I'm starting to manage my school life and my social life better. With this I'll be able to write more! But again it will be inconsistent but I'll have a chapter out hopefully once every two weeks! Thank you for your understanding! <3

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