Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

(Y/n) POV

It's been about another hour since we started running. I've been sticking back with Leorio and Kurapika during all this. Leorio is really entertaining and Kurapika is nice to talk to. He holds a conversation well and is extremely polite. Leorio on the other hand has been cursing and trying to make stupid jokes this whole time just to take his mind off the running. He does seem exhausted. Talking to him helps but I think he'll drop out soon. I really hope not. I enjoy his company.

"Leorio, you seem tired. Are you going to drop out?" I say bluntly

"N-no definitely not" He says extremely out of breath

"You can always take the exam next year." I say

"Can't" He says as he continues while barely running.

Kurapika chimes in "Why is that? Is it really about money? It can't be. We haven't known each other for long but that isn't like you" Leorio just grumbles and looks away.

"I mean, sure, your attitude is terrible and you aren't too bright either." Kurapika continues. Leorio does a high pitched scream thing that I laugh at. Oops.

"But I know, shallowness isn't among your downfalls. I've known many people whose only passion in life is money. And I can tell you're nothing like them.

"You got it all figured out, don't you?" Leorio yells.

I feel like I shouldn't be listening to this. They're laying out their feelings and I'm just an outsider. Since I will never share anything like that with them. Though while I'm tuning them out I hear Kurapika say something about the Kurta clan. The reason the Kurta clan was murdered was for their eyes. People loved the scarlet color they would turn.

I'll wait till they're done with their conversation to leave. I don't want to be rude. I'm still listening to them, just not really at the same time. Then I hear that Leorio wants to be a doctor. So that's why he's becoming a hunter. He'll have enough money for it. I suppose he does seem like a warm person. Gon and Killua come up behind us after Leorio finishes his talk.

"We're going ahead now!" Gon says.

"See you at the finish line old man" Killua says


"Ah. I'll excuse myself then." And I ran off to Hisoka.

"So how was your time?" Hisoka asks me side eyeing me.

"Just lovely. But now I'm exhausted"

"You should have just stayed with me."

"Carry me? Pleease"

"Fine. Get on my back."

"Ya!!" I yell as I hop onto his back.

"Night night Oka"

"You sleep to much Bee"

And with that I fell asleep.

(I'm skipping the whole forest part cause I just find it boring<33)

I slowly start to wake up but don't open my eyes. I'm in a whole new area and I don't feel Hisokas presence near me. Instantly I stand up in a fighting position with a knife out. Then I realized I was just next to Illumi. Although he looks super creepy with the pins in his face. I nod at him and sit back down. He just stares at me as I lower myself next to him.

"That must be painful" I say while not looking at him.

"A bit." Illumi says in a weird voice. Must be because of the pins.

"Don't speak too much then" I say looking around.

"What if- I want to talk to you?" He says slowly obviously having trouble speaking.

"Then how about I talk and you listen?"

He slowly nodded and I began telling him about a strange dream I had.

(Time skip half an hour)

"But then you came out of hiding from the closet and started walking over to Hisoka. Suddenly Hisoka leans closer to you and-"

"That's enough of your fun little dream their Bee"

"Oh you're back!" I say looking up at Hisoka

"Thank god" , Illumi says.

"Although it was obviously getting to the good part, we must get to the next exam." He says winking at Illumi. Although Illumi physically gagged when he did. I couldn't stop laughing at the thought of my dream actually coming true.

The next exam is cooking. Great. Fucking great. It's not like I'm a bad cook as I'm usually the one who cooks for me and Hisoka. But that doesn't mean I like cooking. It's tiring and isn't worth the time. Unless you're a gourmet hunter. Not only do you have extremely fun adventures just to get the ingredients but the food tastes even better than regular food.

This exam was no different. Currently we're out hunting huge pigs! Apparently they even double Hisokas size. I've heard of these huge pigs before saying their weak point was their heads right in between their eyes. While it sounds cruel I got the honor of eating their meat once. Truly a precious meat that not even a little should be wasted.

I got excited and ran way ahead of Hisoka and now I'm not even sure where he is. I'm thinking of catching two pigs though. One for the judges, one for me! That's what I'd like to say if I wasn't so sure Hisoka and Illumi will most likely steal the food. But I suppose it's fine because later I'll just blackmail them into giving me their money. Which I don't need either.

After running for a while I finally came across a big herd of these disgusting looking pigs. If they keep frowning like that they'll have so many wrinkles.

I slowly conceal my presence and sneak up behind them. I quickly grab two of the pigs' tails as they scream as the rest of the herd runs away. The now infuriated pigs turn around getting ready to charge at me. The only thing I can think at this moment is 'I wonder if I could hit them both in one go?'

Without even giving it a second thought I jumped in the air and was able to hit one of their heads on the way up. Now that I'm falling I soon realize I haven't thought this through. I quickly try to get my foot in front of me to hit the pig's head. As I hit its head I started to roll down its snout like a slide.

I landed on my butt and it hurt like hell but I couldn't stop laughing. That was really fun! So much more fun than training with Hisoka. He never let me do stuff like this. Just as I calmed down I heard someone calling my name. Oh. It was Gon asking if I was alright. How sweet.

"I'm great! How about you, have you got yours yet?"

"Not yet but after seeing you do it I can't wait to try!"

"Yeah I'll meet you back at the place then"

"Alright be careful!"

I smile. He truly is just a kind and naive kid. I hope Hisoka never does anything to him.

A/N - sorry I didn't update on Sunday I've been sick :P I'm fine now tho

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