CHAPTER16 "The Mask Has Fallen"

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It has already been 2 days until Zoe left and she had been informing everything that was happening to her the whole day and I was glad to hear that she had been doing well in the restaurant until Zayden chatted me that he was gonna go to my house after lunch to talk about something I was asking myself what he wanted to talk about......

I finished eating Lunch and when I was cleaning my dish I heard a knock so I knew that was only 1 person which is Zayden so I ran up the door and opened it "Hey" said Zayden, "Hey" I said then I told him to sit in the living room until I finished cleaning until he said "It's not very serious so we can just talk while you're cleaning", "Sure, I'll listen" I said.... "Well it's not like I did this on purpose but when we were in the mall you went in the bathroom and I needed to go to so I went to the bathroom and I saw you in front of the mirror well I'm sorry to eavesdrop but I was curious then you put your old hairstyle and used your Maya voice and that's until I realized you we're Maya..." then I got shocked so I looked back and went up to him "So you knew?" I said, "Yeah....I wanted to ask why did you wanna change your appearance?" he asked "Well I never really wanted to but when I moved to LA I wanted to have a new me so that explains it..." I answered "I see....well that's all I wanted to know I'll get going" he said "Wait! Please don't tell anyone especially William, Liam and James that I'm back or that I changed myself" I said while stopping him "I won't" then he left the house.

I continued to clean and I asked myself "He knew this whole time that I was Maya?" then I gave a deep sigh and just forget about it.

I did say to forget about it but it's already 10 pm and I just wanna sleep but I can't stop overthinking on how I made such stupid mistake to use my Maya voice and do my old hairstyle in the public bathroom! Well I guess it isn't that big of a deal so I shut my eyes once again and tried sleeping.

I woke up at 3 am cause I had a nightmare about Zayden finding about me as Maya this was how it went "I was in the mall's bathroom and I was looking at the mirror talking with my real voice and also trying to get my old hairstyle until Zayden went in and screamed "Are you kidding me?! You we're Maya all along? Why didn't you tell me!? What do you think I am? A Joke?!" I tried ignoring him but then he pushed me down on the floor and was screaming at me but I couldn't hear anything he was saying all I can see was his expressions" and that's when I woke up.

I never said Goodbye instead I said I Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now