sleepy bf lol

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I got a sleepy bf. He's an idiot but I love him we hold hands in success class, he bullies me for being younger then him by a year, but I normally just tell him to go get a bingo partner lol. His name is zeph and he's super cool, we've been together for a month now and he's opened up a lot since our first meetings, I really like him and I'd honestly marry this mans. He's so fuckin pretty, he hates it when I call him pretty lol but I don't care 😘 also since he's not  gonna read this I'm gonna paste the half done confession on here from 03/04/22 the day he asked me out lol

“ I adore you, Zeph. you make me happy. You're my favorite person. I'd love to date you but I feel like if I ask you out ill be too clingy or push you too far. I fear I make you uncomfortable and I'm just a bothersome pest that'll only get in your way. I'm a very emotional and clingy person and you're the opposite, your quiet and you keep to yourself. I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable I feel the need to be around you all the time”

This letter makes me giggle a little because at the end of the day I tried writing a paper letter instead but literally right after 7th period I was walking to my bus and he stopped me and asked me out. He's my favorite person and I really love him more than anything on this earth, I love talking about him so rip anyone who reads this lol yall gon get sick of hearing bout my love life and how pretty my bf is

I love you sm Zephyrus pls marry me♥️


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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