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Nothing is perfect. Life is messy.
Relationships are complex. Outcomes are uncertain. People are irrational.❞


Main Characters

Taara Bakshi

Rishit Maheshwari

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Rishit Maheshwari

Rishit Maheshwari

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Rutvi Maheshwari

Rutvi Maheshwari

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My feet stopped in the corridor suddenly when those brown dark eyes met mine. I blinked my eyes rapidly and looked away. Anywhere and everywhere but him.

He wasn't moving and I didn't make any attempt as well. I was frozen at my place as if that way he wouldn't be able to see me. How stupid of me!

I gulp hard. It was awkward. It was as if the time was stuck the same. I knew he was stubborn and he would love to make this situation even more complicated. He was tasting me. But I am not someone to stay still and watch.

If he is daring me then I should accept it. Right? I gave a mental nod and look at him finally. As expected, he didn't budge from his position nor did he leave his gaze from me. It was cold, it was filled with anger, it gave away his displeasure but I am not bothered.

That anger of him has always acted against him. It was his biggest weakness yet he refused to leave it. Fine, I don't mind. He can keep his ego and I'll wear my attitude proudly. I am no less than him.

His dark orbs were cutting through me but I had decided to act the same way as him. He doesn't care so I won't too. If he is going to hold his ego then I will too. If he is acting rude then I'll be ruder. If he fights then I'll be fighting back with double force. I will do anything but seat quiet and see him do whatever he wants to.

I took a deep breath and put on my confident smirk as I walked forward while pulling my whole strength. I don't care! I repeated in my head.

One step after the other and I was already closer to him. I pressed a smile further when he was near. He looked pissed but as I said, I would ignore him and I did.

A few more steps and I was out of his view or he was out of my view. I let out a deep breath but celebrated my victory in my head. A smile formed on my lips as I felt relieved with myself. I was fine after all and I know I will be fine later too.

Author's Note

So yes, I am back with a new story and new characters as I just wanted to start something afresh. As always, excited, happy and nervous and hope this goes well too.

If time permits you all then do vote, comment on every chapter and share the story as well. :)

Anyway, without wasting any more time let's dive into the story. Prologue coming to you all super soon.

That's all for now. Happy reading!

 Happy reading!

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