3. The heart wants what it wants

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❝The heart wants what it wants

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❝The heart wants what it wants. There is no logic to these things. You meet someone and you fall in love and that's that.❞


          THE trees above Rutvi's head moved along with the light breeze. She sighed deeply while remembering the conversation of her mother from the other day.

Won't her parents be ever together like before?

The thought stayed on her mind as she looked at the main gate of her school while sitting on the bench nearby. It was the day of parent-teacher meeting before summer vacations start.

She did invite her father to be present on this day but will he come considering her mother was already attending?

The kids were entering the premises with both of their parents, some were with one of the parents but they all still looked happy which was opposite to her state. She pouted as she folded her hands over the chest in anger.

"Ritu." She looked aside at her older cousin brother, Yug but didn't smile today like always which was unusual of her. Instead, she looked away while still frowning. He narrowed his eyes and got settled beside her as he kept watching her closely.

Yug was Rishit's oldest brother's, Rajveer's son with whom Rutvi shared age gap of around 6 to 7 years. Rajveer and Rishit never got closer but their children acted the opposite way while surprising everyone.

Rajveer, being the oldest took over the family business. Rishit was the youngest but held the ego larger than his head. He refused to share anything with his brother or work under him as he held the opinion that he was much better than him and deserved more than what he was getting.

Thus, he chose to start his own company. His family let him have his ways as stopping him was never an option. It would have just messed up things between the brothers. He was stubborn and things might have gone down for all with one wrong decision. He was capable and he proved it with his hardwork and dedication to his craft.

The middle brother, Vikram chose to stay alone and away. He went his separate way while choosing the whole new career for himself. His passion of cooking made him start his own restaurant which got converted into chain of restaurants and had been running successfully in a few major cities of India.

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