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(Saw this meme on Google and it's now my favorite image ♟)


The King sighed as he placed all his pieces on the board. Another defeat.

"You win again, it seems. Well played."

Komugi happily reached out to collect each of them. As she did, Meruem looked over at Pouf who was reading his book.


"Yes sire?" Pouf immediately put his book down and gave the king his attention.

"What time is it?" Meruem looked out the window to see a dark sky.

"My king, I believe it's a quarter to 11."

"Ah, I see." Meruem responded with a bit of disappointment. He looked back at Komugi, who was playing with one of the pieces.

"My apologies, Komugi, but it is getting rather late. You should head off to bed."

Komugi's face turned into a pout. "Can't we play a few more rounds? I don't need sleep!"

Meruem, not surprised at all, tried to change her mind.

"I understand, but you must be well - rested tomorrow if we are to have a fair match. You won't be able to focus well if you're exhausted!"

"I guess, but we're playing first thing in the morning!" Komugi said with a determined look.

"I promise, first thing." Meruem responded.

Komugi collected all the Gungi pieces and the game board to take with her to her room. She wished everyone a good night and began to make her way out of the throne room. Before she left, she gave Meruem a tiny little wave. Meruem waved back until she was out of sight. He let out a little sigh as he went back to his throne. Pouf noticed this quickly.

"Permission to speak, Sire?"

"Granted. What is it." Meruem responded, flopping into his seat.

Pouf cleared his throat. "I.. couldn't help but hear your sigh just now. Is something bothering you?"

Meruem looked at Pouf with a confused look.

"There is nothing that's bothering me. Even if there was, it's none of your concern."

Despite Meruem's words, the feeling that something might be bothering the king was killing Pouf; more so when he knew what might be causing it.

"Sire, is it that human girl? Komugi?"

Hearing Komugi's name alarmed Meruem. He gave Pouf a deadly glare.

"What about her?" He said in a mad tone.

Pouf tried to choose his words carefully as to not anger the king even more.

"It's just that.. you've seemed very unhappy since her arrival. I believe that all this anger isn't good for you, my king. If you could just give us the order, the rest of the Royal guard and I would be more than happy to ext-"


Pouf closed his mouth to stop talking.

"Who do you think you are, saying what's good for me and what's not? You are a mere servent. You do as I say." Meruem started. "Second, you aren't to lay as much as a fingernail on the girl. You are to keep her here safely. If I find as much as a scratch, I'm holding you and the rest of the guard accountable. Am. I. Understood?"

Pouf kneeled down with his forehead touching the ground. "Of course, my king. I apologize for suggesting such a thing. I beg for your forgiveness."

Meruem stared down at Pouf. "Don't let it happen again. Another word about her and I'll have your head. Now leave my sight."

Pouf left the room without another word.

Now alone, Meruem sat on his throne with his arms crossed. Who did that butterfly think he was? Now he was in a bad mood.

His eyes wandered across the room out of boredom. As he did, he noticed something strange on the ground. He went to inspect it only to realize it was a Gungi piece.

"She must have misplaced this one." He thought to himself. He picked it up and tried to get a better look. It had the characters "Queen" on it.

He went back to his throne with the piece still in his hand. He smiled as he looked it. He didn't know why, but this specific piece made him feel all fuzzy and warm inside.

He decided keep this piece safe, just as a small little treasure. He laid his head back on his throne and sighed. This girl really was something.


Extra (bc why not):

Komugi sat in her bed, thinking about what kind of moves she would try tomorrow. She began to slowly drift to sleep, but was suddenly forced awake when she heard crying and... extreme violin playing?


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