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Cordelia Owens laid asleep in her bed. All warm and wrapped up in her blanket with her stuffed bear held tightly to her chest.

Gus, her fluffy Maine Coon sat right by her head, meowing, waiting for her to wake up.

Cordelia was not a morning person, though she wishes she was. She had always loved watching the sun rise in the early morning but she could never wake up.

Gus kept meowing until he decided to lick her cheek, seeing as his meowing wasn't doing anything.

"Gus that tickles" Cordelia giggled as the cat's rough tongue continued to lick her chubby cheek.

"Okay, okay. I'm up, you weird cat." Cordelia sat up in her small twin size bed that was pushed in the furthest corner of her small apartment.

Cordelia's small studio apartment was all she could afford, she loved it to bits though. She was able to make it cozy with fairy lights strung up everywhere.

The small apartment was the cheapest she could find that was close to her college. Cordelia was a smart girl, finishing high school a year early and getting a scholarship for literature.

Cordelia didn't have the easiest childhood. She was put up for adoption the moment she was born, going in and out of foster homes until she was 11 when she was finally adopted.

Ada and Albert Owens, an older couple who had always dreamed of having kids but could never have their own. They spent years searching for a child to adopt, then they found Cordelia. The moment they saw her they knew she was their daughter. Maybe not by blood but by heart.

Cordelia loved them more than anything. She was so happy to finally leave the orphanage and have a real family.

They spent 6 years together, being a family and doing all the fun family things, until her mama got sick.

Breast Cancer.

They were too late to be able to treat it. So for the last few months, Cordelia stayed by her side, never once leaving unless her papa told her to.

April 5, just a month short until Cordelia's 18th birthday, her beautiful mother went to heaven.

As if things couldn't get any worse for poor Cordelia, 2 months later Cordelia and her papa had gotten in a car accident.

Cordelia was left with a broken arm and many bruises, as well as severe anxiety and ptsd.

Her papa went to be with his sweet wife, her beautiful mama.

Since that day Cordelia never stepped foot in a car, too scared that the same thing would happen again. She became accustomed to walking everywhere, no matter how far. One of the reasons why she was so happy to find an apartment within walking distance from her college.

Not a day went by that she didn't miss her beautiful parents.

Ada and Albert wanted nothing but the best for their daughter, leaving her with enough money for an apartment and the necessities that she needed.

Cordelia tried her hardest to keep the money for emergencies, she was able to find a job at the local pet clinic, helping take care of the animals and making the ones with no family feel loved.

Looking at the time on her small Disney princess themed wall clock, Cordelia jumped straight out of bed.

"Gus! I'm going to be late for class, goodness why didn't you wake me up sooner silly cat" Cordelia giggled as the cat just meowed and curled up in a ball where Cordelia had previously been laying in.

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