Pandeia/Pandia And Selene/Luna

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Pandeia/Pandia= (Full) Moon, Dew, Brightness
—Bright Baron: their bodies are constantly absorbing light from anything, taking away the brightness. Any light sources they go near will dim a little.
—Lucky Luster: Can make any object that shines, meaning it reflects light, into a flash bang by increasing the amount of light that reflects off of it.
—Moistiure Manipulation: Able to Summon and control Moisture on command, allowing them to drench anyone/thing or cause them to dry up completely.
—Bright Bringer: Able to summon and control other types of light.
—Dew Sniper: Able to shoot Dew or sweat droplets like bullets. Will only kill if the user wants it.
—Crescent Conversion: Able to convert any light they absorbed into moonlight on command.
—The Lunarfied Elements: Can summon and control Moon-based versions of all the Elements. The effects vary depending on the Element used. Is actually one grand substance split into several elements. Are the most draining of the user's abilities :
-Moon Fire: Silvery fire that burns the target's nervous system. (Doesn't work in the day.)
-Lunar Lightning: Silver electricity that shocks and freezes, able to encase the opponent in Moon Ice. Can also enhance the user's physical attributes and abilities. Conducts to the weakest and weakness of the targets and gives whatever it is hell. Can also conduct through metals, allowing the user to control said metal. Available for Diurnal use.
-Waxing Ice: Ice so cold, all the target feels is them being burned alive. Targets also always feel like they're being stabbed. (Doesn't work during the day)
-Moon Mist: Able to summon and/or become moonlight-infused mist that can be controlled according to the users wishes.
-Moon Water: Poisons enemies with any poison the user can think of the is from the forest and heals allies/friends. (Doesn't work during the day)
-Cresent Winds: Can launch small crescent-shaped slashes of moon-infused air that will paralyze the target or enhance the pain the target feels from a few minutes, but it depends on the user's intentions. Available for Diurnal use.
-Moon Stone: Can magically mold into whatever weapon the user wishes. Able to burn, freeze, and poison. Available for Diurnal use.
—Moon Maelstrom: Altogether, these elements can cause a power-draining explosion that can kill immortal beings.ncan be used during the day, but it will be weaker

Selene/Luna= Moon, Night Skies, Lunar Cycles, Water, Fertility, Moonlight
—Lunarfied Elementalist: Able to use all Lunarfied elements whenever they want, regardless whether it's day or night. Able to use Moon Maelstrom.
—Moon Muncher: Can nourish themselves with moon light if needed.
—Lunar Leering: Within a certain range, whatever moonlight shines on, they can see and hear.
—Wax And Wane: Able to turn invisible at night or erase their presence. Gets easier the more the moon wanes.
—Mortal Moonlight: Their bodies are always sunlight during the day at a faster and larger rate than other Sun-related demigods, BUT it can't be used until it's converted into moon light and energy once the moon rises. As the mortal science says that the moonlight is from the sun reflecting light off the moon and onto us.

—Lunarkinesis: Able to absorb, summon, and control moonlight, mostly during the night. The potential all depends on their creativity. Moonlight burns and freezes.
—G-Shifter: has complete and total control over their center of gravity and can shift their personal gravity to what ever direction they want, simulating wall-walking, flight, jumping manipulation, and levitation.
—Orbital Overlord: Can create, perceive, alter, and manipulate orbits and orbital force of any kind, meaning they can control any kind of axis and manipulate any form of rotation or revolution they want, even of themselves.
—Moon Knight: Stronger and more powerful in the night under the moon as Their bodies are constantly absorbing moonlight and energy during the night.
—Mincer Of The Moon: Can summon blades made of moon light, silver, and moon rock on command. Takes nearly no strength and they can control the direction of said blades if thrown. The shape of the blades summoned will depend of the shape of the moon during its moon cycle with the user being able to choose the shape of their blades on a new moon.
—Tidal Terrorist: Able to control the sea and water to certain extent through moonlight or the moons gravity, like all moon—related demigods
—Gravity Guardian: Able to create, alter, and manipulate gravity and anti-gravity, primarily their own, as well as generating, absorbing, and manipulating both gravtational and anti-gravitational energy. Overuse of any gravity/anti-gravity manipulation powers, except black holes manipulation, will cause headaches, nosebleed, and mental strain when overexerting themse
—Spatial Safety: Their bodies multiply and  produce their own oxygen for emergency situations, meaning their can travel, survive, and navigate through space
—Moon Mage: Able to use moon magic like Artemis/Diana potential descendants.
—Orbit Cage: Able to trap opponents in an orbit of objects that prevent the from getting out
—Low G Defense: Can lower the gravity around them, making all attacks coming at them lose their power and force. Requires nearly no strength.
—Lunar Lasher: Able to infuse weapons with moonlight, letting them burn or freeze who is injured with said weapons.
—Nocturnal Notice: Can see in the dark.
—Orbital Jet: able to emulate the moon and fly in a certain way by orbiting around things. Can be very useful if you're creative.
—Master of the Moons: Able the summon the powers and abilities of others moons. Happens when the user changes the color(s) of the moonlight they're using. Different colors represent different moons. Pandeia/Pandia children have a harder time using this power than Selene/Luna
—Cosmic Void: Can create, control, customize and alter black holes by creating and controlling gravitational singularities, regions of gravity so strong, no matter or particle known can escape from it, not even electromagnetic radiation such as light. User also gains the ability to control, alter, distort, and bend space to some extent.
—Crescent Chimera: Able to shape shift into a normal or stronger and more powerful version of, partially channel/shape-shift into, and use and manipulate the powers and abilities of ANY magical, otherworldly, supernatural, and mystical lunar-based creature, like werewolves, , and much, much more. Able to do the same with others outside the lunar spectrum, but They will have to make physical contact with said creatures and acquire their mystical essence/genetic code.

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