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"Is it true, Oshun?" Da'Shylah's eyes were saucers.

"Is what true?" She stuffed her face with jam toast.

"That Malfoy and Fred fought over you at the party last night?" Da'Shylah pressed on, shoving Joaquin aside, so she was sitting in front of Oshun. "And you actually went to the party?"

"Bloody hell." Oshun groaned exasperatedly, shaking her head as she held her toast in one hand. "They didn't fight over me, for fuck's sake. Who keeps saying that?"

"Everyone that was at the party." Da'Shylah shrugged her shoulders and stole Joaquin's toast from his hand just as he was about to take a bite.

"Yes. I don't mind sharing, help yourself." He annoyedly snatched the toast back from her and shoved it all in his mouth. The crumbs sprinkled on his lap and chest of his shirt.

"If Malfoy hears that people think he and Fred fought over me, I'm a dead lady." Oshun barked a hollow laugh, stuffing more toast in her mouth.

She wasn't hungover this morning because she didn't drink enough to be drunk and have a hangover.

She just woke up with a bit of a hazy head, but after sitting on her bed for a good five minutes, staring at the wall, she was fine.

At the party, she had left after she saw Fred finally calm down. She didn't want to be a part of anything else, so she just left.

She also decided to never go to a party again.

She didn't enjoy the party, but she enjoyed talking to Fred. She could talk to him anywhere, it didn't have to be at a party. She was just glad she experienced a party, but never again.

"Have you spoken to Fred since then?" Forest asked, scooping some yoghurt into her mouth.

"No." Oshun shook her head.

"Really? Why not?" Forest asked, equally quizzical and dismayed.

"I left after he and Malfoy walked away from each other and calmed down," Oshun mumbled, and wiped the corners of her mouth. "I'm never going to a party again."

"Not your scene, huh?" Joaquin half grinned at her, spreading some jam on a new piece of toast.

"Mm-mm." She shook her head with the tiniest of smiles. "But I got to talk to Fred some more during the party."

Da'Shylah brought the goblet to her lips and tipped her head back to take a sip of pumpkin juice. "What did you guys talk about? Anything interesting?" she asked after swallowing, curious.

"Nothing much, really. We talked about random things like the best comic book, sweets, his new joke gadgets, food—random things." Oshun's lips spread into a wistful smile at the recall of her sweet time with Fred.

"So..." Forest inched closer, a playful smirk on her lips. "You want Fred, don't you? Between the two?"

Oshun ignored the blood creeping in her cheeks. "I want to talk to him some more," she clarified pointedly. "I mean, I've been his housemate for four years and we've never spoken as much in the whole four years than we did just last night."

"What about his girlfriend?" Joaquin asked, brows knitted together in puzzlement.

"Girlfriends and boyfriends don't really matter anymore, Joaquin," Forest droned, her eyes rolling. She plucked a plump raspberry between her fingers and plopped it into her mouth. "We're all going to get married to these random people anyway, whether we fancy it or not."

"I know, but I'm just saying that perhaps Fred could end things with Granger before starting things up with our sweetheart here." Joaquin shrugged his shoulders.

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