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Oshun rolled her eyes as the fourth stupid argument came around.

"No, because you always say that," Draco drawled irritably. "And sometimes, I can't tell if it's supposed to be an insult or not."

"I'm literally calling you Prince Malfoy," Fred retorted with a dry scoff. "How the hell is that supposed to be an insult?"

"Because of your bloody tone, Weasley," the blond clarified sharply.

The three of them lay under the stars on a soft blanket in the middle of the pitch past curfew. They had floating lanterns on the side, waiting to be lit and set free into the night sky.

She lay on her back and on her left side, Fred rested his head on her stomach with his body stretched out. On her right side, Draco's head rested on her thighs with his body stretched out.

The sky was a mysterious deep blue, the diamond-like stars and crescent moon watching over the three of them. The air was warm and gentle as it brushed upon her skin.

Unfortunately, the moon and stars had to witness another argument between the two boys.

"My tone?" Fred huffed a haughty laugh. "And what's my tone like?"

Draco played with Oshun's hand over his stomach, tangling their fingers together and tracing the lines on her palm. "Sometimes it's teasing and sometimes it's just mocking," he muttered to Fred.

"Well, you can take it any way you want," the redhead said evenly as Oshun used her free hand to fumble with his messy hair. "If you take it as mocking, then that's your problem."

"Or perhaps you can just—"

"Don't tell me to stop—"

"All I'm saying is—"

"No, don't finish—"

"Let me—"

"Stop tal—"

"Hey," Oshun cut them off impatiently. "I came out here for a nice night to do floating lanterns and you two are ruining it with your constant bickering. So, please, stop arguing for ten minutes."

"Sorry, darling," Draco muttered at the same time as Fred said, "Sorry, angel."

"Have you come up with your wish?" Fred asked softly when he noticed she wasn't going to talk to them whilst they all stared up at the deep night sky.

"I can't tell you my wish, or it won't come true," she replied in a murmur. "Have you guys got your wishes?"

"I have a wish and I actually can tell you this one," Fred stated coolly.

"Alright. What's your wish?" she questioned curiously.

"I wish for you two to be there when the joke shop has the big opening."

Oshun ignored the jab in her heart. She didn't know what to say, but Draco beat her to it.

He scoffed. "Oh, please. Like I would ever go to that."

"Yeah, which was why my initial wish was for Oshun to come only. I only added you in there just now as a pity invite," Fred retorted.

A loud laugh bubbled from her chest. "Oh, that was foul, Fred."

"What's your wish, Prince Malfoy?" Fred's tone was laced with mockery.

"I wish for Takahashi to realize your red hair is stupid," Draco replied promptly.

"She doesn't think it's so stupid when she's yanking on it while I rail the fuck out of—"

"Maybe she's yanking it because she's trying to remove it from your head since it's so stu—"

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