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Oshun didn't want to believe that she was easy or sleazy. But perhaps she was?

She had sex with Draco after the disrespect he threw in her face by calling her an easy fuck behind her back. So maybe she was sleazy.

She didn't want to be sleazy.

"Oi!" Giovanni snapped his fingers in her face, tearing her from her thoughts.

"Huh?" she blurted, and blinked rapidly.

"You're not an easy fuck," he said firmly. He cupped her face in his hands. "You are not sleazy or an easy fuck, alright, love?" It was like he could read her mind.

"But I—"

"Trusted Malfoy," he cut her off sternly as the muscle in his cheek twitched. "You trusted him and he only used it against you by calling you sleazy."

"How the fuck is he going to call you sleazy when you trusted him?" Da'Shylah scoffed from where she was sitting on the armchair. "He's such a fucking prick. Men never fail to baffle me. Makes me even more glad that I like women."

Oshun was with a few of her mates in the Gryffindor common room on a Saturday afternoon. The sun beamed through the windows, a blinding light shining over them every so often.

"There's rumours going around school that I'm easy. Greengrass started them," she mumbled grimly, sinking into the couch. "I got leered at four times this morning and cat-called by a group of Slytherins."

Giovanni sat next to her and threw an arm over her shoulders. "Ignore them, Oshun. You're not sleazy. You just trusted Malfoy," he soothed, rubbing her bicep.

Oshun just nodded. Though, she did feel sleazy.

She had sex with Draco even after he disrespected her. She trusted him, of course she did. But not anymore. The trust she had for him was straight down the drain and into the ocean.

He had tried speaking to her on multiple occasions, but she turned him down every time.

This time, she wasn't even going to pretend like she wasn't hurt because what he said was straight up disrespectful. So of course she was fucking hurt.

She knew he had it hard at home, but she still didn't think it was an excuse for the shit he said about her.

She had thought him talking shit was just a one-time thing, but apparently not. He talked right out of his ass every time he didn't get his way.

It was her heart that dismissed and forgave the first wave of disrespect he washed over her with. Not her brain. No, it was her heart.

Oshun was always being led by her heart.

"Well, it's a good thing Fred gave Malfoy a beating before we could," Giovanni muttered, and shook his head. "Fred went easy on Malfoy, in my opinion."

"What?" Oshun wasn't sure if she heard correctly.

"You didn't know Fred was the one that put Malfoy in the Hospital Wing?" Da'Shylah's dark eyebrows lifted in dismay.

"No." Oshun shook her head slowly with a frown. "I knew Malfoy was put in the Hospital Wing, but I didn't know Fred was responsible for it."

"The second Fred heard about the rumours and what Malfoy said, he went and attacked Malfoy in the middle of Snape's class. Why do you think Fred got a weeks' worth of detention with Snape?" Da'Shylah couldn't stop the amused laugh that bubbled from her chest as she explained, seated across her armchair with her legs dangling over the armrest.

"I don't pay attention to the boy. How was I supposed to know he got detention?" Oshun scoffed under her breath and looked down at her book.

"Your true prince charming came to your rescue, princess." Giovanni sent her a playful wink.

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