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Fred tried again, knocking on Oshun's door.

But as he expected, no answer. No answer just like the last few days he'd been coming up at the same time and knocking on her door.

He sort of had a feeling she wouldn't answer, but he kept coming up and knocking just in case she decided to open the door.

He hadn't seen Oshun in a good two weeks.

During those two weeks, he nearly killed Draco Malfoy. In fact, Draco had been sent to the Hospital Wing three times during those two weeks.

Oshun's friends were angry with Draco. Most of Gryffindor house was angry with him. Fred himself was angry with Draco.

Draco just took it though. Didn't even fight back. He took the punches and the kicks and the harsh hits. Fred even remembered when Draco told his own mates to leave it—to let him get beaten.

Fred didn't understand how anyone could feel the need to hurt someone as precious and innocent as Oshun. She never did anything except mind her own business.

Actually, she tried to make sure she was as invisible as possible at Hogwarts.

Now, Fred sighed in defeat and headed down the girls' dormitory stairs. He jogged down the steps and made his way to the Great Hall.

Fred had been doing good lately—despite his worry for Oshun—because he was free. He didn't have a controlling girlfriend by his side, twenty-four-seven.

He didn't feel trapped and small anymore.

He had told his siblings and Harry about Hermione—what she did to him. He told Harry after his siblings because he wasn't quite sure if he wanted Harry to know.

But Harry was like another brother to him since he was at The Burrow so often and was best friend's with Ron. So Fred ended up opening up to him as well. Despite Harry being the one Hermione cheated with, they'd gotten past that.

Furious was an understatement. Disgusted and enraged were more like what his siblings felt after he was able to finally tell them.

Fred made sure to tell them not to do anything to Hermione because he wanted to stay away from her and be rid of her once and for all. He wanted nothing to do with her, which also meant doing the best he could to erase her from his mind and life.

Harry was unaware of what she did. He only knew what Hermione cheated on Fred with himself.

After being told what happened, Harry had been begging Dumbledore to give him a new spouse—anyone but Hermione. So far, no luck.

Hermione had other friends, so she had people to hang out with. But it was evident she didn't enjoy being with them as much as her former friends.

Fred hadn't told his parents. He told his siblings and Harry first. But he'd much rather tell his parents in person than over a letter, so he would wait to tell them during the summer holiday. Something like this shouldn't be talked about through letters.

Fred wasn't lying when he said he didn't have self-control when he got all that attention from the girls. The moment people found out he was single, plenty of girls were flirting with him.

The attention he got from all the girls was refreshing because when he was stuck with Hermione, no girl looked his way since Hermione was so hostile and possessive. Not very friendly.

Fred had drowned into the attention from all the girls because he had seen it as freedom, an escape, since he was trapped in a controlling relationship with the person who raped him for so long.

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