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Sakura returned to the library every day and had conversed with the librarian a few times. She was thankful that the blue-haired woman had stopped treating her like a baby and had actually started using Sakura's name rather than 'sweetie' and 'darling'.

Sakura had just entered the library and was expecting to hear Manami's usual cheerful greeting but stopped in her tracks when no such thing came. She turned to look at the desk Manami-san was usually in and was mildly surprised to see a man sitting in her place.

'Where is Manami and who is he? Also, why does he have a long needle in his mouth?' she wondered.

'He is Shiranui Genma, a shinobi and an elite bodyguard to the Hokage, he is a special type of jonin called a Tokubetsu Jonin. In his genin days, he was put on a team with Might Guy and Ebisu. The needle in his mouth is called a senbon it is a ninja weapon.' The voice chimed in.


'What? You wanted to know who he is. Cha!'

'I'm not going to ask where or how you got that information.'

Ignoring the voices outraged screams Sakura walked up to the man and cleared her throat.

Genma looked up from the book he was reading when he heard a noise. He frowned when he didn't see anyone.

"Probably Shisui or someone playing a prank on me. Honestly, I wouldn't be stuck with this stupid punishment if it wasn't for him leading me towards the bathhouse." He muttered under his breath.

Sakura frowned, "Shouldn't you have realised where this 'Shisui' person was leading you shinobi-san?"

Genma's eyes widened when he heard the childish voice. He leaned forward on his chair and looked down to see a pair of large, emerald eyes blinking up at him.

'How did she come so close to me without me hearing her?' He thought as he tried to compose himself and save whatever dignity he had left.

"Oh, hello there little one. What can I do for ya?" He yawned lazily.

The girl looked unimpressed. 'Are all shinobi this underwhelming?' she wondered.

'Cha! I hope not!'

"I was just wondering where Manami-san is?" She asked innocently.

"Oh, she's having..... a vacation." He said lamely, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

'Lie, he apparently damaged the bath-house and so his punishment was to work in the library for a month so Manami-san gets time off.' The voice supplied.

'..Again, not going to ask.'

"Ok, thank you shinobi-san!" Sakura smiled sweetly and trotted off into the maze of books and scrolls.

Genma waved goodbye to the kid before leaning back in his seat and preparing to continue reading his romance novel when something struck him, 'Wait, how did that kid know that I'm a ninja?'

Sakura kept walking until she found the book she had been looking for, 'Aha! There it is!' she thought as she grabbed the book.

She sat down at a wooden desk and read the title, 'Psychology for Big Brains'. She opened the book to the contents page and slid her finger down the list of chapters until she reached one called 'Voices in My Mind'.

'Perfect.' She smirked. She hadn't really bothered to ask anyone about the voice she could hear but now that she could read she had come up with the idea of looking for a book on the subject, she was just lucky that her parents had finally allowed her to walk to the library on her own. 'Maybe now I can finally get rid of the annoying voice in my head!'

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