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Sakura munched quietly on her food, Mikoto had made a splendid meal -though it was more like a feast. There were Kashi pans stacked in a pile next to a platter of different finger foods. A large salad with extra tomatoes was on an equally large plate and each of them had a bowl filled with soup in front of them.  The Uchiha clan Matriarch was still finishing off the rest of the food in the kitchen but in the meanwhile, they were all sitting around the dining table, enjoying the food that was already set out for them. 

The pinkette dipped the sweet bread roll into her soup and bit into it. She had to admit, she had missed Mikoto's cooking terribly since the last time she had tasted it. Then again, she had only ever sat down for dinner at the Uchiha main family's house once before and that was on the day she met them. She took another bite of the roll, savouring the taste of the red bean paste that filled the inside.

"You seem to like those Chibi-chan!" Shisui's voice interrupted her 'silent food enjoying time'.

"Mhm.." She hummed back in response. 

"Well, at least you're not going after all the tomatoes in the salad, Sasu-cakes would fume if you ate them all." He looked at his youngest cousin who appeared to have not heard him. The young duckbutt-haired boy was stuffing several cherry tomatoes inside his mouth, causing his cheeks to bulge. "Then again I hardly believe there will be any left in a few moments."

Sakura followed his gaze just in time to see some tomato juices escape from Sasuke's mouth. The young pinkette's nose scrunched up in disgust before she turned her attention back to the roll of bread she was holding in her hand. She took another bite out of it and just as she was about to take the last bite Mikoto entered the room. She placed down the dish in her hand before disappearing back into the kitchen. It was only a few moments later when she came back with another plate of food and this time she sat down at the table instead of going back into the kitchen.

She smiled pleasantly at Sakura before picking up a Kashi pan and dunking it into her soup. Sakura moved her gaze to the food that the Uchiha clan Matriarch had just brought in and almost instantly felt her mouth water. Several sticks of Tebasaki Yakitori were laid out on a plate, free for any one of them to take. The other dish the woman had just brought in was Teriyaki Chicken, the meat of the dish was on the plate whilst still hot rice was in a bowl. 

The young pinkette dished out a portion of rice and some chicken along with a few vegetables before she began eating the food. It was silent for a while before Mikoto cleared her throat.

"So, how was work today?" The dark-haired woman asked her husband. The man swallowed the food in his mouth before looking up and meeting his wife's gaze.

"It was fine." The woman's eyes seemed to harden at the man's short reply.

"Right." Her eyes closed as she smiled, "What about you Sasuke-kun? Did you have fun at the park?" The duckbutt-haired boy looked up, he was halfway through the action of stuffing a particularly large tomato inside his mouth.

"Err.." He looked away from his mother before lowering his left arm- which was the arm of the hand he held his precious tomato in. "Yeah.. I guess?"

His brows furrowed before a mischievous smirk made its way onto his face. His dark eyes moved and he caught his cousin's equally dark orbs. Shisui's eyes widened and he made a series of peculiar actions. He made an X with his arms as he shook his head and closed his eyes. His nostrils flared and his gaze seemed to become more intense as Sasuke opened his mouth.

"Oh! Also, Shisui was.." There was what seemed to be a pause but for some reason, Sakura felt as if only she and Shisui had noticed it. "a really important part in some kids' game!" 

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