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Genma was not worried. He did not miss the little pink haired brat who went to the library every day. He did not have nightmares about her death. He did not spend his day coming up with things that might have happened to her. He was simply.. concerned. Yes, that was it, he was just.. concerned.

He nibbled anxiously on the senbon in his mouth. Why hadn't she come yet? Was she in trouble? Had she actually made some friends? Frowning, Genma shook his head, that defiantly couldn't of happened.

He was so lost in thought he didn't sense the presence that came up behind him.

"Hey Genma!" The all too familiar voice of Uchiha Shisui rang. If Genma was any less of a man then he would have jumped.

Sighing, the brunette turned around on the rooftop he was on to face the Uchiha. "What do you want you menace?"

Shisui made a face that resembled a pout, "Come on Senpai~!" He dragged out. "I just got back from a mission and heard that your punishment had ended so I decided to come see you!"

"Don't you have a little cousin to annoy rather than me?" Genma growled.

Shisui looked shocked for a moment before he recovered and adopted a look of offence, "Actually, I have two younger cousins." Genma raised an eyebrow. "Plus, 'Tachi-chan is on a mission and Sasu-cakes is cute but he can get annoying."

"Then I'm sure you both get along fine."

"Genma!" The black haired preteen whined as his pout deepened. Genma rolled his eyes at the younger boy.

"You should really go annoy someone else."

"What are you even doing?" The curly haired boy asked curiously.

"None of your business." Shisui pouted at his response.

"Whatever, do you want to go train?"

"Nah, I'm busy."

Shisui's mouth fell open. "Doing what?" He shouted, "Staring at the library entrance?" He received no response.

Growing bored, the Uchiha sighed before he left the older man. He made his way to the Uchiha compound, planning to steal some of the mochi he heard his auntie had made.

He walked through the compound greeting a few of his relatives as he passed. He snuck into the main families house and slipped into the kitchen. Spotting the freshly made mochi lying in a tray on the counter he sneaked over to it, licking his lips. He eyed them hungrily, rubbing his hands together. He plopped one into his mouth, savoring the taste.

'Mmmm! Auntie Mikoto really outdid herself!' He thought as he put another piece in his mouth. 

He froze when he heard the quiet sound of footsteps behind him. He had been caught! He swallowed the mochi in his mouth and slowly, very slowly, turned around, all the while praying that it wasn't Mikoto. His eyes were met with the sight of his adorable younger cousin Sasuke, or as Shisui liked to call him: Sasu-cakes.

A bead of sweat rolled down his face as he stared down at his younger cousin. "Sasu-cakes?"

His younger cousin looked up at him as if he hadn't realised he was there before. "Oh, hey Shisui."

"Hehe.." Sasuke frowned at him.

"What are you doing in here anyway?" He asked innocently.

"Er- agh, well you see.. I er. Hey Sasu-cakes, tell ya what.." Now Shisui was never one to blackmail, nor was he one to make deals with four year olds, but he had no other option.

Sasuke looked up at his older cousin with narrowed eyes, his arms were crossed. He frowned before closing his eyes and nodding his head.

"Alright, I agree to your offer." He said. Shisui grinned at him before grabbing a piece of mochi and handing it to the small boy. Sasuke ate it with a blissful expression on his face. "Pleasure doing business with ya." The four year old said before exiting the room.

Shisui blinked, he had a really odd family.

Shaking his head, he exited the house, it wouldn't do any good to get caught by anyone else. His mind wandered back to Genma, it was very unlike the twenty one year old to act so.. tense. 

He shrugged, maybe Genma had gotten a life whilst he was away. He frowned, no that couldn't of happened. Even if he had though Shisui preferred to think of him as some kind of stalker; it helped him sleep at night.

He chuckled quietly as recalled the dream he had of the man. The twenty one year old had gone to the Hokage's office dressed up as a banana and had danced on the third's desk. Then the third had joined in and that was when the dream had turned disturbing.

The preteen sighed, he really had to stop getting lost in his thoughts. Shisui exited his clan's compound, deciding to go and try to convince Genma to train with him. Considering the man's earlier response to his invitation the preteen doubted that he would come along but the brunette may have found whatever he was looking for. Hopefully the man wasn't on some kind of secret mission otherwise Shisui would get into a whole lot of trouble.

Flying through the village the Uchiha made his way back to where he had last seen Genma. He hopped onto the rooftop of the building opposite the library and couldn't help but grin in triumph when he spotted the brunette crouched in the same spot he had been in half an hour ago.

"Wow. I mean, I knew you had no life but knowing that you spend your spare time creeping on people.. I just feel sorry for you." An animalistic growl made it's way out of the twenty one year old's mouth.

"Just leave me alone, brat." The preteen ignored him as he sat down next to the man.

"Hmm, if you tell me what you're doing here then I'll consider leaving!" Shisui heard the older man sigh in defeat and hid a smirk. You would think that a jounin wouldn't agree to such blackmail so quickly but Genma knew that Shisui was extremely stubborn and the man didn't have the energy to keep retaliating against the preteen.

"Fine.. I am.. waiting for somebody." Simple and sweet, Genma just had to hope that the curious Uchiha wouldn't ask any more questions.

"Oh? Who?" Surely Genma couldn't have gotten a girlfriend?

"None of your business."

"Come on Senpaiiii!" The twelve year old whined.

"Shut u-" Shisui frowned when the man didn't finish his sentence. His eyes moved to look at his face. Genma was staring at something down in the streets below. Shisui followed the man's line of sight to a blob of pink rushing through the crowd.

'Huh, would ya look at that..' He blinked. The Uchiha couldn't be sure if the owner of the pink.. hair? Was the somebody Genma had been waiting for or if Genma was just astonished that somebody could have pink hair. It wasn't just the colour of the hair that was unbelievable it was the shade as well. A soft, cherry blossom pink that caught the sun at an angle that made it shimmer.

Genma seemed to come out of whatever trance he had been in and the only words that Shisui caught before the man disappeared was, "She's here.."

A/N: Shisui Uchiha has entered the chat! I apologise for any mistakes. Feel free to share any ideas or tell me anything you'd like me to include in the story in the future and I shall try my best to put as many of you're ideas in!

Have a wonderful Easter!

Hope you enjoyed!

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