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It had been a few hours since Sakura's parents had left on their business trip when Sakura heard a knock at door. When she opened it she saw a young woman with short, brown hair and baby pink eyes. Her cheeks were rosy and she was wearing a grey dress with a thick, brown belt. Her tanned skin gleamed in the warm rays of the sun.

"Oh, hello there! You must be Sakura-chan!" The woman said as she smiled down at the pink haired girl. "My name is Mayu Hatanaka! I live next door!"


'She's telling the truth, she lives next door with her fiancé and er well, she's pregnant.'

'Wait, what?'

'Yup, although she hasn't told anyone there is definitely another chakra signature growing in her tummy.'

'But she doesn't look pregnant.'

'She's only two months in, her fiancé doesn't want kids so she hasn't told him because she was afraid of his reaction. She's also too kind hearted to have an abortion.'

'Poor thing.' Sakura thought as she looked at the smiling woman with pity. 'Shall we confront her?'

'Let's wait, we haven't even properly introduced ourselves. Cha!'

'Fair point' Sakura smiled at the brown haired woman before saying, "I'm Sakura Haruno, it's nice to meet you Hatanaka-san."

"Oh, Sakura-chan please don't address me so formally, just call me Mayu!" The woman said.

"Alright then Mayu-san, please come in. I just baked some cookies would you like some?" Sakura asked politely.

"That would be lovely! Thank you Sakura-chan!" She said as she sat down on the couch in the living room.

"No problem," Sakura said as she disappeared into the kitchen.

A few moments later Sakura reappeared with a large plate of chocolate-chip cookies. "You're not allergic to chocolate, right?"

"Oh, no I can eat chocolate!" The lady said as Sakura put the plate full of cookies down on the table. Mayu grabbed one of the cookies and took a bite. "Oh wow Sakura-chan!" she exclaimed as her eyes sparkled. "These are delicious!"

'Cha! We're the best' Inner exclaimed inside Sakura's mind.

"Thanks, you can take some home with you if you want!" The petal haired girl offered.

"If it's alright! I would love that, thank you!"

After about an hour Mayu left with a small bag of chocolate-chip cookies in hand.

'She seemed nice!' Sakura thought.

'Yeah, but we should probably get her to admit that she is pregnant, so then we can help her build her confidence up enough for her to tell her fiancé the news! Cha!'

'Ok, how about we go to the library?' Sakura suggested.

'Sounds good! Cha!'

Inner and Sakura chatted happily as Sakura walked to the library. When she entered the library she spotted the brown haired shinobi sitting in the same place he had been in the first time she had seen him. He was still reading the same book he had been then as well.

'Should I say hi?' Sakura wondered.

'You can do, cha!'

Sakura made up her mind and walked up to the desk.

"Hello shinobi-san."

He looked down at her and asked, "Why do you call me that?"

"Because you're a shinobi!"

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