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Sakura turned around to see Sasuke holding the hand of an older boy who looked to be around the age of eight. The boy had reasonably long dark hair that was tied into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. His eyes were the same colour as his hair and he was wearing a dark blue short-sleeved shirt that's colour hid his chin from view. The boy was also wearing forest green shorts that ended just above his knees. He wore his weapons pouch on his right thigh and had bandages wrapped round both his forearms along with both of his lower legs. He wore the standard blue ninja sandals and had on the Konoha ninja headband tied around his head with the metal part of it being shown clearly on his forehead. Sakura noticed that the boy looked stunningly similar to Sasuke.

'That's because he's Sasuke's brother, Itachi Uchiha, cha!' Sakura blinked as realisation hit her before walking over to the two brothers.

"Hello Sasuke-san." She greeted the other boy with a bow of her head which he solemnly returned.

"This is Itachi-nii, he's a super awesome ninja!" The boy babbled excitedly. Sakura looked at the Uchiha and smiled at him softly.

"Nice to meet you, Itachi-san." He once again dipped his head in acknowledgment.

"We're going to the park, do you want to come with us?" The pinkette considered Sasuke's offer, she was going to go to the library but a stop to the park could be fun.

"Sure, sounds fun." The duckbutt haired boy grinned and grabbed her hand before dragging her to the park, chattering her ear off about how his brother had been on a mission when she came round for dinner and how Shisui would be meeting them at the park. Itachi followed silently behind them, seemingly listening to his little brother's words. 

They arrived at the park and Sakura blinked at the many children running around. She didn't visit the playground much since she preferred to just stay inside and read or just go to the library.

"C'mon Sakura-chan!" Sasuke exclaimed as he pulled her over to the swings. "Let's see who can get higher!"

As the two played on the swings Itachi watched over them from a nearby bench. Shisui had told the Uchiha brothers that he would meet them at the park but so far there was no sign of him. The long haired male sighed, Shisui was probably doing something stupid.

After five minutes Sasuke dragged Sakura from the swings over to the sandpit.

"Hey! Nii-san!" The boy called. Itachi turned to look at his Ototo. "Can you judge who makes the best sandcastle out of me and Sakura-chan?"

The Uchiha clan heir didn't know much about the pink haired girl his younger brother had taken a liking to but he remembered how Shisui had gushed about how adorable the child is. Itachi remembered how surprised he had been when Sasuke had told him how he had made a friend that was a girl. Usually the younger Uchiha stayed away from females his age since they tended to fawn over him. Itachi shivered slightly a he recalled his own group of fangirls. He had been slightly worried his little brother had been ill when he found out about the girl but from what he's seen so far the pinkette appeared to only think of Sasuke as a friend. If anything Sasuke was acting more like the fangirl then she was.

"Sakura-chan, how'd you do that! That's so cool!" Itachi zoned out of his thoughts when he heard his little brother's voice. Sasuke was making what looked like a castle that was really just a pile of sand sloppily put together. Sakura had made a shuriken out of the sand that looked scarily 3D.

The girl blinked at the boy before taking out a small bottle of water from the pocket of her jumper.

"I wet the sand using this water so that it sticks together.. you can use some if you want." Sakura handed the bottle to Sasuke who took it and opened the cap. He poured a bit of the water on the sand before handing it back to the girl.

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