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It had been a week since Sakura had gone over to the Uchiha's for dinner and she had been working hard on her medical ninjutsu since. She finally felt confident enough to try and heal a small cut, the only problem was that the pinkette didn't want to injure an animal so that she could try and heal them. There were too many things that could go wrong! What if she couldn't do it? What if she  made the wound worse or she accidently killed the animal? What if she was overestimating her abilities and couldn't keep up a steady stream of healing chakra? What if-

'Calm down Outer, cha!' Inner exclaimed. 'We'll never know if we don't try!'

'I know but.....' Sakura sighed. 'This sounds silly but I don't want to inflict any pain on anyone else..'

'That's normal, Cha, but all shinobi have to fight and eliminate for their village.'  


'Shh, just hear me out. Imagine you're in a team of three. You, a boy and another girl, the other girl is being held hostage somewhere and your male teammate is unconscious in the hospital.'

'I don't see how this ha-'

'Just listen to me, cha! You managed to bring back one of the men who kidnapped your teammate. Your teammate is an Anbu Captain so it is crucial that you find out where she is.'

'Couldn't she just escape if sh-'

'Outer! Stop interrupting me, cha! You're in charge of interrogating the man. He won't give you any information and is immune to genjutsu, your only option is to torture him.' Inner took a deep breath before continuing. 'Would you really risk your teammate's safety just because you don't want to hurt someone?'

Sakura's emerald orbs widened and her mouth opened and closed, forming silent words. The obvious choice was to torture the man but what if he had friends? A family? What if he had two children, a boy and a girl? What if he had a loving wife? What if they were living on the streets of whatever village they lived in and their only source of income was the man's job as a ninja? 

The man must of done some horrible things but everyone deserves a second chance? Everyone makes mistakes, nobody is perfect. Her thoughts drifted back to her female teammate. They could get an Inuzuka to try and catch the females scent.... the girl was an Anbu Captain, surely she left some kind of trail?

'But what if she didn't?' The pinkette bit her lip and furrowed her brows.

'I wouldn't let her get kidnapped in the first place so why are you asking me this?' The emerald orbed girl was starting to get annoyed.

'Not everything will go as planned, you have to expect the unexpected, cha.' Sakura grit her teeth. 'All shinobi have to do things for their village. Killing and harming enemies is part of being a shinobi. Cha!'

'Well, that may be so but I'm not a shinobi yet!' Sakura then proceeded to grab one of her kunai and cut the palm of her left hand with it. The cut stung a bit but Sakura ignored the pain.

'What the heck? Outer! Cha! That's something I would do but- but.. how could you do it?' Inner was screaming in their mindscape about her being reckless and what not.

Sakura decided to ignore her other half and instead focused on summoning her healing chakra. Once she had a steady stream of green chakra surrounding her right hand she placed her hand over the cut and tried to knit the skin back together. 

Her brows pulled together as she bit her lip in concentration. She wasn't sure what she was meant to do but using her chakra as invisible stitches to sow the cut together seemed to work so she just continued  doing that.

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