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Sakura sighed as she followed behind Yui who was happily talking away as she picked out different items of clothing off the racks. They were currently in a clothing shop just outside the market, the brunette had decided that they should start their shopping spree by searching for some clothes for the pinkette.

"Oh! This dress would look so adorable on you Sakura-chan!"

"Hm?" The four-year-old looked at the piece of clothing Yui was holding up.

"Why don't you go and try it on in the dressing room?" Sakura took the dress and as Yui instructed she went inside the dressing room and got changed into the dress.

It was very pretty and Sakura admired the layered skirt. The dress was a pale blue and peeking out at the bottom was some white netting. At the back of the dress, there was a big bow that made the clothing look like it had been made for a doll. The emerald-eyed girl didn't wear dresses often, not because she didn't like them but because they weren't very practical. If the skirt on the dress was too long it would get dirty and if it was too short the skirt would expose her underwear when she ran. If she put shorts on underneath she would feel uncomfortable and it was really quite a complicated issue.

Most of the time she would wear trousers and on occasion skirts- before you start nagging about how skirts and dresses would share the same problems Sakura found it easier to find skirts that were the right length rather than dresses. The only times she resorted to wearing dresses were on special occasions such as parties or fancy dinners.

As she gazed at herself in the mirror of the dressing room she was pleased when she noticed that the skirt ended just below her knees. She was probably only ever going to wear the dress every now and again since she would have to be especially careful when she had it on. The silk material of the dress would stain easily and it would be a shame to ruin the beautiful piece of clothing.

'We look amazing, cha!'


She did one last twirl in the dress before grabbing her clothes and exiting the dressing room. Yui cooed as soon as she saw Sakura and the brunette pulled Sakura over to where a young woman was sitting behind the cash register.

The lady looked up at them, her expression annoyed.

"What?" She spat. Sakura's brows furrowed, this lady seemed to be in a bad mood..

'Outer don't assume that because someone is being mean they are in a bad mood, there is a chance they're just not a nice person!'

'I know that but I'm not the one with all the information on people so I can't know whether or not a complete stranger is in a bad mood or if they're just mean.'

'..Are you trying to tell me something?'

Sakura internally rolled her eyes at her Inner's obliviousness.

"Konnichiwa! Can we buy these clothes please?" Yui placed the clothes in her arms on the counter. "We would also like the dress Sakura-chan here is wearing. Oh, Sakura-chan I think you should probably go and get changed into your clothes so we can put that dress in a bag ok?" The small pinkette nodded her head before disappearing back into the dressing room.

Five minutes later she reappeared by Yui's side, dressed in her clothes with the blue dress in hand. She placed the silk dress on the counter and the lady behind the cash register sighed deeply.

Once they had paid for the clothes and plopped them in a bag they left the shop.

"You could wear that dress on your birthday!" The brunette said with a smile.

"Hmm, maybe.."


They spent another hour shopping and purchased some more clothes and a few bottles of shampoo- Sakura had been running low. 

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