Chapter 37

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Sophia's POV (6 months later)

It's been 6 months since I had the girls and I couldn't be more happy. They are the happiest most quiet babies I've ever met!

Well today they had their six month check up, to check how they've been doing, so on and so on.

So I woke up this morning got in the shower got out and got dressed in shorts that stop at my mid thigh, and a Nash Grier t shirt with my navy blue vans. I'm surprised how fast I got my figure back.

Anyways after I got dressed I woke up Nash, then while he was getting dressed I made breakfast for me and him, then got the girls bottles ready to make when we're done eating.

Nash came downstairs kissed my head, he was wearing skinny jeans and a white t shirt with the navy blue vans I got him for his birthday, then we ate and heated up the baby food, went upstairs into our now shared room, and picked up the now awake babies.

I noticed how Megan was always looking around and making noises, but Tegan made no sound unless she was crying. I guess I'll ask the doctor about that.

So I picked Tegan up and Nash picks Megan up and we go downstairs put them in their purple and pink high chairs. I fed Tegan bananas and Nash fed Megan Apples, their favorites.

After they were down eating we cleaned them up then took them back upstairs to get them dressed and everything. I checked the time 9:15 okay once we get the girls we got to go to make our 9:45 appointment.

So I set Tegan on her changing table and I got her dressed in a long sleeve onesie with a T on it and bows with ladybugs on them witch were attached to her shirt, I then put lady bug pants on her with two pigtails. With her cute little red vans on.

I then put Megan in the same thing but instead of ladybugs and a T, it was bumblebees and a M. with her yellow vans.

We picked the girls up and buckled then in their carriers and put them in the car, me and Nash got in the car and drove to the tender care pediatrics.

The whole car ride was of Megan giggling and Tegan just sitting still while me and Nash talked.

"Nash I think something's wrong with Tegan." I say to Nash.

"What do you mean?" He asks confused.

"I mean the doctor said that she should be making noises and movement, but she doesn't do that but Megan does, do you think she has autism." I ask worried for my baby not that I'm saying autism is bad but it's scary when you don't know if your baby has autism or not.

"It could be a possibility, wait didn't you say all three of your cousins on your dads side has autism and that your moms sister has autism?" I nod as we get to the pediatrician.

We unbuckled the girls got them out and walked into the pediatrician I signed them in and looked at the time 9:45 just in time. We sit down and put the girls on the ground to play with the toys.

Five minutes of sitting down and just talking we were called back, so we picked up the girls and walked back.

"Hello I'm nurse Amy and I am just going to weigh the girls measure them and check their temperature." I smile and nod and she picks up Megan and weighs her and then checks her temperature Megan was giggling the whole time, "14 pounds 6 ounces good size, she is 27 inches and temperature 97.8 that's also good, now let's check Tegan."

She picks up Tegan and she has no emotion at all she just sat there staring at the ceiling.

"Ok Tegan is 13 pounds 2 ounces 23 inches and temperature is 97.6 all good now I'm going to take you back and Dr Maria is going to be back as soon as possible." I say thank you and she takes us back to a room that is blue with finding nemo everywhere.

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