Chapter 12:- I Want To Feel What Everyone Else Feels!

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Warning sexual content ahead ;) (read at your own risk)


Word's- 2626

Song:- Ellie Goulding explosion.

Lexi's P.O.V

For the last two days I've felt like I was in heaven.

My mind was completely haunted by fezco some thoughts I was proud of, but others. Not so much.

I knew I could not talk to my mum or even my sister about this, which if you think about it sucks the most.

But as shocking as it may be there's onoy one girl who's been more 9f a sister to me then cassie has.

I needed maddie.

So I left my house with my headphones in,
"Lex? What you doing here? Are you okay?" maddy shoots loads of questions the second she sees me at her door.

"yeah, I just needed someone to talk to" I said, her eyes soften and she let's me in.

We walk up into her room.

"why not speak to cas?" she said offering me sad eyes, she knew our situations before I had to say it.

Me and my sister rarely get on anymore, we used to.

"if I'm honestly, I only trust you and you've treated me more like a sister then cassie has" I finally admit, she gives me a huge smile.

"that's because you are my sister"

"mads how do you know you like someone?" she stood completely still, staring at me in shock with her mouth slightly open, then her smile grew across as she grabbed my hand pulling me over to her makeup chair.

"I'm going to do your make up and your going to tell me. EVERYTHING"
"and I stayed at his two days ago" I said.

I told her everything, well except who it was.

"wait, like stay stay? Lexi Howard's I did not know you was secual" she giggled making me giggle, before I stop and look at her again

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"wait, like stay stay? Lexi Howard's I did not know you was secual" she giggled making me giggle, before I stop and look at her again.

"no we just slept" he gave me a look that said she thought I was lying, but when she saw my face and realised I was not. She had another emotion on her face I didn't understand.

After a moment of silence between us I finally asked her the questions I want the answers to.

"mads? How do you know when you like a guys?" I felt embarrassed by my question but maddie seemed unfazed.

"when you feel calm around them I guess-" then she smiled a real smile that actually reached her eyes.

"when you fall for someone's personality, everything about them becomes beautiful. Even when their acting ugly. Everything stops and it's just you and them. That's all you ever really want, it to be you and them. That's how you know" the way she said the words made me feel for her.

Stand By Me (lexi and fezco fanfic, euphoria) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now