Chapter 28:- Lean Lexi

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Warning:- mention and use of drugs in this chapter, may be sensitive to some. 18+, but up to you if you read it.


Words- 3608.

Song:- Kelly Clarkson cry.

Lexi's P.O.V

"I brought, like a bunch of ingredients to bake so much stuff-" I rushed out as I walked through fezcos door and place the bags on the side before turning to look at him and Ash. "wanna make a cake?"

They were both looking at me like I grew a second head, they quickly look at eachother before Ash jumps up excitedly and rushes over to the bags.

"did you just buy cake stuff?" he said quickly, peaking in a couple bags before looking up into my eyes.

I couldnt help but smile, he looked like a child again and I don't think I've ever seen a time he got to be like that.

"actually, funny that you said that-" I said, a nervous giggle leaving my mouth as my eyes connect with fezco, he narrowed his eyes at me as I walked towards the front door again.

I open it, revealing about twenty other bags.

"lexi!" fezcos voice warned at the same time Ash mumbles.

"holy fuck"

I look back at the boys, trying not to look at fezco again just yet. I chose to speak to ash first.

"the first six bags are yours. I got you all types of snacks I thought you'd like. There's also some other stuff in there I thought you'd like if not just sell them or something" as I spoke his eyes became the size of sourcers.

Then I looked at fez "there's a few bags for you two and there's like so much food. I've been staying here a lot lately and only thought its right I pull my weight"

He Stares at me with hard eyes for a moment before speaking "this... This is what you spent YOUR money on?"

He took steps closer towards me, ash wasn't even paying attention. He was dragging his bags into his room mumbling excitedly about something.

Flashbacks of last night popped into my head the moment he mentioned the money.

Flash back.
" shit, we left our clothes in there!" I groaned into his chest, which only made him chuckle.

"I got you don't worry" he mumbled, leaning over me, which caused my breathing to hitch. What this man did to me... He would never truly know.

Our lips were inches apart as he grabbed the towel hanging near us and moved back, wrapping it around his waist.

I took that stupid moment to realise we were both naked, my eyes moved at their own accord down to his member as he began tying it but then stopped.

A smug look took over his face as excitement entered his eyes "you wanna touch him, he don't bite"

I blushed and pushed his chest making him laugh "stop that" I groaned, full of nerves all over again.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me back to him, leaning into my ear "then you need to stop looking at him like that, Lex. Before I do something that will make you feel like a very, dirty girl" his voice was sexily low, in a warning way.

I should have listened but my hormonal arse decided to say...."like what?" I whispered back to him.

He stared at me for a minute before letting out a little chuckle "your going to be the death of me, lexi howard" he whispered against my lips, I thought he was going to kiss me but he opened the door and quickly walked out.

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