our hearts with Angus cloud forever!

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Song- Charlie puth see you again

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Song- Charlie puth see you again.

Hey guys, I come to you with the sorest heart right now.

I'm sure we all have heard the news about our baby Angus cloud aka fezco has passed away.

I'm in pure shock and deviated is an understatement especially him being a year older then me.

I wanted to take a moment to appreciate him for who he was and not just for the character he played.

Admittedly euphoria wil not be the same without fezco but the world will never be the same without Angus.

I related to him on another level and I will miss him dearly for the person and the talent he has.

He was unluck any actors that walk in Hollywood and as always our amazing stars are hardly checked or looked after.

Depression (I'm assuming it was due to this his dad was buried only a week before our man was taken) is real and it is evil, I urge everyone to check on their quiet, sad and depressed friends.

Without you Angus nothing will be the same and I can never thank you enough for how much entertained us and brought us joy.

I know half of us would have checked on you and Hollywood need to sort it out before we lose more stars.

You left a legacy that many will try to carry on.

Forever in our hearts, we will never forget you!

Please guys drop some nice words in the comments for Angus, tell me everything you liked, what you will miss.

We will help you live on but we will forever and always love and miss you.

(Damn the Mac miller curse!)
If anyone is worried about what this will mean for this book, I have decided that I will be continuing with the next two box.

Only all this has made me have to rethink the third book.

I will keep his memory alive, we will give him the ending he deserves.

Him and Lexi!

My heart goes out to the friends and family of Angus and all his costars who we know are feeling the lose dramatically.

I guess that's all I wanted to say.

Fill the comments with positivity and love for our man.

One day we will meet again! Rest easy with all our other amazing stars we've lost!



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Stand By Me (lexi and fezco fanfic, euphoria) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now