Sollux x reader

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Swear word warning 😳

Y/n pov
I was sitting in my room on a rainy day there wasn't anything to do, it was desolate outside. Fog in the air and no one on the roads or sidewalks. Whenever i did see anyone they were either running from the rain or sadly walking along with an umbrella.

Gog i wish there was something better to do today.
I picked up my phone still sitting in the windowsill. No messages or notifications.. well damn. I was hoping at least maybe Gamzee would've texted me but i guess thats just not how this day is gonna go.

I went scrolling through twitter and TikTok for what felt like hours until finally by some amazing set of circumstances i finally received a message.

Open pesterchum:
TwinArmageddons began trolling (y/n chumhandle)

TA: key there!! Iit2 gro22 out2iide twoday 2o ii was wonderiing iif youd liike to maybe come over two my hiive and play 2ome game2?

Y/N: sure! What time!

TA: whenever you feel liike iit not liike iim bu2y

Y/N: ok ill be over in like 20 minutes

TA: cool
Y/n ceased pestering TwinArmageddons

Wow i finally have something better to do!
I threw on a green raincoat and grabbed my hello kitty umbrella.

Walking out of my house and into the rain, i put up my umbrella just listening to the sound of the rain battering the ground. Puddles were forming everywhere the kind that little kids would be stomping in tomorrow.

On the walk to sollux's hive i didnt see a single person or troll on the streets.

I got there and knocked on the door knowing full well i didnt have to. I heard rushing inside and then someone came to the door.

(For the sake of this lets just pretend mituna and sollux are siblings and they live together ok?)

"H3Y 7H3R3 Y/N 4R3 YOU H3R3 7W0 S33 50LLUX :?" Mituna cheerily asked
"Yeah i am." I said getting drenched by the rain while standing on their porch.

"H32 UP5741R5" mituna gestured to the stairs
"Thanks" i said putting down my umbrella by the door and kicking my shoes off.

I walked up the stairs and saw sollux's door wide open so i walked in
"Hey" i said walking over to him
"Hi! I hope it wasnt too much trouble for you to walk through the rain"
"No its fine, so what games do you have in mind?"
"Whatever you prefer." He replied

I went over to where i knew he kept all his games and picked out one we had always played together in the past.
"How about this?" I asked

Sollux POV:

I turned around from where i was sitting to see y/n holding the disc to Mario karts with a big smile on their face.
"Thats a classic" i said my lisp really getting through.
"A little bLaST fRoM tHE PAST" they said laughing.

"Alright" i replied putting the disc in.
"Okokok im being toad" they said
"You always be toad" i said
"So? Here let me choose for you cmon" they said grabbing at my controller
"No youre gonna choose something stupid!" I say moving away from them. We get into a bit of a tussle both trying to grab my controller. Finally they get it and hold it above my head taunting me. They laugh and quickly choose a character and a kart.

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