nepeta x reader

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this was requested by a friend of mine idk his @

reader is male



nepeta pov:

"you really need to be more careful.." y/n said while putting a large bandaid on my knee.

"but vriska was being a meanie! i had to fight her.." i spat, still upset from my banter with vriska.

"i know, but you could at least try not to scratch yourself up while doing it" he said patting my head in between my horns

"i wasnt done fighting her either!" i jumped up off the sofa where we were sitting, heading towards the door

"cmon nepeta... youre really just giving her what she wants. lets go get something to eat. its almost dark anyway" he said looking outside

I grumbled a little bit before agreeing to get some dinner, we headed off to the nearest red lobster.

"Ok! Boy am i excited for some cheddar bay biscuits!" He said excitedly walking to the entrance of the resteraunt.
"Isnt that a breakfast food?" I asked looking at him funny
"Yeah, but who cares, we eat pancakes for dinner all the time.." he said laughing.
We got to the door seeing that the restaurant was closed.
"Damnit" i said, hitting the door wincing from pin in my knee.
"Where should we go now?"
"I dunno"
"The beach is near here, we could walk over there and get some food from one of the hot dog stands!" He announced
"Ooh that sound purrfect :3" i replied
He grabbed my hand and we ran along the warm sidewalk while the sun was slowly getting closer to the horizon.

We got to one of the little boardwalks that lead out to the sand. There was a stand parked out in front of it, it sold cotton candy, hot dogs and snow cones.
"What can i get for you two lovebirds this evening?" The guy manning the stand asked dully
We giggled looking at eachother
"Ill have a hotdog with relish mustard and ketchup, a blue snowcone andd" he trailed off looking at me
"A hotdog with cheese a ketchup and a cotton candy" i added smiling.
"Alrighty then" he said, starting to make our stuff

After only about a minutes wait he handed us our food. "Here you go, thatll be 11 dollars even." He said , y/n gave him the cash and we ran down the boardwalk.
The sun was almost down as we sat in the sand and ate our food.
"Arent you happy you didnt fight vriska now?" Y/n asked looking from the horizon back at me.
"I guess so, im still purrty mad at her though."i replied, looking at him

We sat in silence and watched the sun set on the still water. It was cloudy in the sky but the moon was shining bright. I leaned on y/n's shoulder as we still looked our at the horizon together.
I took little bites of my cotton candy while we smiled at each-other.

"What else do you wanna do?" I asked
"I dont know, ive got some glowsticks in my pocket though, we could run around with them." He replied, pulling a bunch of glow sticks out of his pants pocket
"Yessssssss thats such a meowvellous idea" i replied winking at my pun

He handed some of the glow sticks to me and we both cracked them to make them light up.
I put one around my neck and then we got up and ran around for a while, laughing and pushing eachother over in the sand it was a great time.

After we got tired of running we decided to take a walk at the edge of the water.
"Hey look, a conch shell just washed up." He pointed out
"Wow cool!" I exclaimed, running over to pick it up
"If you put it on your ear you can hear the ocean in it." Y/n told me
"Everybody says that its so not true" i said while placing it against my ear

"Ok yeah nevermind you can totally hear the ocean in it" i said taking it away from my ear
We both laughed and kept walking along the shore.

It felt like an hour or so before we reached the fence that marks off the end of the beach.
We walked back a little till we plopped down on the sand and looked at the stars.

"Hey look! You can see the constellation for leo!" He said pointing at some stars
I smiled and looked at where he pointed to
We laid in comfortable silence for a bit and just looked at the stars.
Y/n took my hand in his.
"I love you"
"I love you too" i smiled at him, looking away from the stars

He sat up and kissed my forehead and then i kissed him on the cheek
We both then laughed and hugged eachother.
"Well, what do you wanna do now"
he pulled his phone out of his pocket
"Oh crap its almost 10,we should probably head back to my house" he said putting his phone back in his pocket
Its around an hour walk back to his house so we got up and started moving.

We held hands as we walked back and talked about everything.

We arrived back at his house and unlocked the door.
"That was really fun, thanks" i smiled brightly at him as we walked inside.
"Yeah it was, do you wanna stay here tonight?" He asked
"Sure thing" i yawned "im pretty tired myself"
He checked the time, it was 11:32. We walked down the hall
"Goodnight, love you" he said as we walked into the room and got into bed
"Love you too" i replied
He kissed my forehead and we both went to sleep.

Tysm for reading!!
Im sorry this was late and short ive been super packed with school and my weekends have been pretty full too
989 words


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