Aradiabot x troll reader (requested)

30 1 3

Reader is female
tysm for requesting this @Twixsess

Key terms
(Y/n =your name
(F/c) = favorite color
(F/b) = favorite book
(F/s) = favorite snack
(F/d) = favorite drink

Your pov
I had been Aradias moirail for a while now, since equius made her the robot body its been kind of strange being around her. Although i still feel close with her it seems different

I was hanging out with her today equius was also going to be there because it seemed he was pretty attached to her now.
(Lets just pretend her hive isnt destroyed for the sake of the story)
It was going to be a little while since i was going to her hive so i decided to read a bit i went to my bookshelf in the corner and took out (F/B) and read for a while.

Time passed pretty quickly and i checked the time. 30 minutes till i was supposed to be there. I hurried and put on a (f/c) cardigan and some black jeans and red boots.

I began to walk over to her hive, it was a 15-20 minute walk depending on my speed so i walked quickly to be punctual.

Aradias PoV:

I heard a knock and walked to the door to answer it. Must be Y/n. Perfectly on time as always.

"Hell0 y/n. I h0pe y0u d0nt mind, ive invited s0llux and Terezi. Terezi said she was g0ing t0 bring karkat and vriska s0 i just ended up inviting every0ne except eridan. It sh0uld be s0me g00d b0nding time anyway."
She stepped in the door and i closed it behind her
"Thats fine! Im excited to see everyone." She said, slipping off her shoes at the door.
We went into the other room where everyone was sitting.

Sollux and feferi on the floor eating popcorn, gamzee upside down on the couch, tavros on one side of gamzee with karkat on the other side, terezi was talking to vriska, kanaya was not in the room, equius was in the corner being gross and nepeta was sitting in front of the television.

Back to y/n pov:

It had been a long time since all of us had been together like this.
Feferi was the first to look up "HI y/n!!!" She jumped up and gave me a hug
"Hey fef" i said whilst she was squeezing the oxygen out of me.

Most people said hello or waved to me other than karkat who was still just glaring at nepeta watching trash tv.
"Can i 0ffer y0u s0mething to eat 0r drink?" Aradia asked placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh sure, could i have (f/d)" i asked
She nodded and went to get it for me. I thought about who to talk to for a moment and then decided i would talk to tavros. I walked over there and sat on the arm of the sofa next to him.
"Hey tav."
"Uhhh hi y/n.. how are you?"
"Im fine, and how about you"
"Erm, i could be better but its fun hanging out with everyone again.., although i kinda wish vriska wasnt here she keeps giving me mean looks."
(Lets just pretend tav has his robot legs for the sake of the story)
"Yes, vriska can be intense.. and im happy to be with everyone too.."

"TaVroS i cAnT gEt uP" gamzee said from beside him
"SHUT UP GAMZEE, YES YOU CAN" karkat shouted glaring at all three of us

I was about to speak again when aradia came back with my drink.
"Oh thanks!" I said smiling brightly
"Its n0t a pr0blem, ive g0t plenty 0f th0se."
"So what are we going to do?" I ask getting up from where i was sitting
"Is this gonna be like a party... a sleepover or what? Because if it was a sleepover no one would get good rest since you only have one recuperacoon..."

"Im n0t quite sure yet, just whatever w0rks 0ut." She replied.
We continued going about what we were doing before with the others

Time skip- later in the night

"You guyssss this is so boringg we should do something fun like truth or daree" nepeta whined, rolling her r's.
"That sounds like fun!" Feferi said
Nepeta growled a bit at him but obviously because it was true.
Everyone decided we would play truth or dare first and see what happens.
We all sat in a circle, i sat across from gamzee and next to aradia and tavros.
We all chatted for a while before playing the game, gamzee brought us all some pie and faygo. Most of the others refused his offer.

We all settled down and decided who would go first.
Since nepeta came up with the idea for the game she went first.
Of course she had to ask me first
"Ok y/n truth or dare!" She said excitedly.
I thought for a moment before picking dare.
"YAY!" Nepeta squealed "i dare you to..... hmmmm.. kiss the person next to you" she jumped up and down smirking.
I blushed a bit, knowing my options.
Turning towards Aradia I kind of signaled to her.
She seemed confused like she wasnt listening.

Ok, i thought, here goes nothing
I leaned towards her, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her closer. Looking at her i blushed even more.
I leaned in and we connected. Her face felt cold.. due to her being a robot obviously.. The kiss only lasted a couple of seconds.. but it just felt right.

I immediately looked away as nepeta was fangirling about it. I giggled a little bit and looked at aradia and she looked at me. I felt something just looking at her that i havent felt in a long time. She smiled and so did i.
"Y/n you have to dare someone now.." kanaya said.
"OH RIGHT ok yes.. um uh.." i looked around
"Vriska, t or d?"
"Dare." She said grinning.
"Ok, i dare you to run outside with karkat... and uh.. throw him up in the air and stuff." My mind was blanking for ideas.
Vriska grabbed karkat while he yelled and she ran out the door.

Everyone got up to look at what they were doing except for me and aradia.
I looked at her again.
"Did that mean anything.. the kiss?"
"Idontknow" i said quickly, feeling my face heat up
"Well, why d0nt we try it again.. t0 see if it means s0mething. The sec0nd time"

I kinda just stared at her looking flustered again, i never felt this way for her before so why now?!

Before i could say anything, our lips were connected again, sharing a more passionate and longer kiss.

After pulling away i smiled
"Yeah that one did mean more to me..."

ive been super busy lately and i havent been able to write eee
I know this story doesnt make much sense and im so sorry for how sloppy it is!

1197 words

Tysm for reading

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