Cronus x reader part 1

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A/n: hi hi! I hope u enjoy this chapter B)

Key words:
Y/n=your name
F/c=favourite color

TW// implied self harm/suicide and smoking
Anyway yeah
Pretending eridan and cronus live together bcs brothers

Cronus pov:

This morning i woke up, i ate some food, and went back to my respriteblock. Nothing happens, nothing interesting ever happens to me. I look down at my bare arms, dashes all up and down my wrists, some faded, some new. I wanted to stop but i simply couldnt. To change it up from every other day of the week, and distract myself from... me. i decided to head to a coffee shop. Maybe something interesting would happen.

I threw on the same old clothes i always wear and grabbed a cigarette that would never be lit. Popping my collar and putting on some stupid worn out converse shoes.

I grabbed my mp3 player and put on my headphones. Eridan in the other room doing something stupid.

I stepped out into the hot outside air, it was early in the morning but already hot out. The last person id talked to in weeks was kankri. Other than eridan. We didn't have a good conversation, he's mad at me still and I'm not going to apologise.

I walked down the sidewalk, no one was out yet, it was early, 7 o'clock to be exact. I was nearing the coffee shop when someone walked by me, we were going the same way, they waved to me as they walked by quicker.

That person really caught my eye "hey wait up!" I called to them. They turned around and waited while smiling. I caught up to them and said "hi there doll! Im cronus, whats your name?" I held out my hand as if to handshake.

"Hi there" they said laughing a little and turning back around. Not taking my handshake. "Im y/n" they walked into the coffee shop after introducing themselves.

"Hey isn't that funny! We were both going to the same place" i said walking in after them.
"I come here every morning. Ive never seen you before" they replied still not looking at me.
"Well, normally i dont go out but i decided to change it up this morning and good thing i did, if i hadnt i wouldnt have met you." I replied

I popped infront of them so they could see me again. I smiled and they laughed. "Ok, let me order ok?" They asked looking at the serving counter.
"Oh ok! Can i buy you something?" I offered
"No, its fine i have my own money" they said pulling out their wallet
"No but i insist" i said.
"Ok whatever, i know you would stop asking so go ahead."

Your pov:

I smiled at cronus as he looked eager to buy me something.
"What do you want?" He asked
"Oh, ill get (favorite coffee drink, idk)" i said
"Ok" he said turning back to the cashier "ill get a grande non-fat Frappuccino with 3 pumps of vanilla with extra whipped cream and chocolate sauce oh and hold the gluten! And for them, a (favorite coffee drink) thanks!" He told the cashier.

Now ive heard some strange orders before but his was the most outrageous one ive ever heard i laughed to myself a bit while he payed the cashier. I left a 5 dollar tip.

We walked to a booth on the other side of the shop, i always sit in the same booth.
We got to talking just about ourselves and our lives and stuff, he seems like a really nice guy, i dont normally see many trolls out so it was cool to talk to him. Although i guess he wants to be a human? Im not too sure.

Our order was called and we grabbed our cups and went outside. The sun was getting higher in the sky and there were some kids plying across the street. Then suddenly out of no where a short troll wearing a red sweat shirt ran up to us.

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