Chapter 3

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Chekov stood to the side in the transporter room as the clean up crew wiped up all the blood from the man injured on the away team.

He waited for about five minutes after they were gone, and turned back to the console. He grabbed his PADD, and the book he'd been meaning to read but never got around to it.

Walking briskly, Chekov made it to the lift right before the doors closed, only to wish he hadn't. There was only one other person in the lift, and it was the one person he didn't want to be alone with. Zavier.

"Hello Pavel." He said, his voice smooth. He looked at Chekov, his coco brown eyes full of hatred.

"H-hello." Chekov said nervously, knowing the look in his enemies' eyes. "How have you been?"

"Oh, I've been just fine. How is your nose healing? I am terribly sorry for hitting you that hard." Zavier's voice was full of sarcasm and hatred, that it made him shiver slightly.

Chekov didn't answer, his fingers tapping the cover of the book nervously. "I asked you a question, it would be polite to answer me." He said gruffly.

Chekov flinched slightly, but right at that moment, the doors opened, and in walked captain Kirk. Zavier gave Pavel a look that brought fear into his eyes, and walked out, giving Kirk a slight look as well.

"Hey Chekov, who was that?" Jim asked, pointing out the closing doors.

"No one." Chekov said, he could practically hear the lie that escaped his lips, and Kirk gave him a look that said he knew he he was lying, but didn't say anything.

The doors opened on another floor, and Jim walked out. As soon as the doors closed, Pavel fell to the ground, bringing his knees up to chin, he hugged himself, taking in deep, raged breaths.

His hands were shaking again, his fingernails making little crescent moons on his hands flesh.

Ever since the academy, he'd been living in fear, fear of what Zavier would do to him next. Fear of when something really bad would happen.

The doors opened, and Chekov looked up in fear, thinking it was Zavier come to teach him a lesson, but it just Mary.

"Mr. Chekov? Are you okay?" She asked, pressing the button for her floor. When he didn't answer, she sat down next to him, and crossed her legs. "You going to tell me? I am your doctor."

"You vwouldn't understand."

"Try me." She said, looking deep into his brown eyes. He looked at her, and felt a smile tugging at his lips.

"It's this guy. He picks one me, and beats me up." Chekov mumbled. Sensing that this would be a long conversation, Mary reached up, and stopped the elevator.

"Is it the same guy that broke your nose?"


"Why haven't you told anyone?"

"Because he threatened me and my friends. And I know him, he will go through with them." Chekov said, resting his head in his hands.

"But if you don't tell someone, it's not going to end. Can you tell me who it is?" Mary asked, and Chekov shook his head no. "Come on, doctor patient confidentiality. I won't tell anyone."

He seemed to ponder this for a moment. "Zavier Sanchez. He's in security." He mumbled, his face growing red with resentment.

"Thank you for telling me this." Mary said, standing up, she brushed off her dress, and held out her hand. "Come on. You aren't going to sit there all day. It's about time for lunch. Want to join me?" She restarted the lift, and Chekov took her hand, smiling weekly.

He tried not to think about how red his cheeks and ears were, as Mary dragged him to the mess hall.

(The next day)

Mary sat at table three, in rec room five. Waiting. She tapped her fingers anxiously, nervous for what was about to happen.

She'd promised Pavel that she wouldn't tell anyone about Zavier, and she hadn't. But he never said anything about confronting him.

Mary looked up as a tall man with black hair, slicked back with gel, and warm, Latino skin walked in. He looked around, and caught her eye, a cocky smile on his face. He walked to her.

"Hello ensign. Please, sit down. We have some matters to discuss." She said, pointing at the empty chair across from her.

Zavier's smile fell from his face, just slightly. He sat down, and, out of habit, ran a hand through his hair, making sure it was still as he'd styled it.

"So....." He started, propping his elbows on the table. He looked thoughtfully at Mary, with relatively light colored eyes for a person of his nationality. "How's it going?"

"I assume you came thinking this was a date?" Mary asked, her voice emotionless, she was in doctor mode.

"A little bit. So, if this isn't a date, then what is it?"

"It's come to my understanding that you've been being a bit of a bully, to one of the members of the ship. Am I correct?"

He snickered slightly, a murderous look in his eyes. "Who told you that? Was it Chekov? Because he's lying. He just want attention."

"Nobody told me. I don't need someone to tell me something I already know. Are you aware that there are security camera's onboard this vessel, Mr.Sanchez?" She asked, and he paled slightly. Hr hadn't thought of that, but wait....why was she looking at the security feed?

"Why were you looking at the camera feed?" He asked accusingly.

"What I do in my free time is none of your business. Now answer my question, are you, or are you not attacking and physically harming a fellow crew mate?"

"I can't do that." Zavier smiled, leaning back in his chair. "But I will ask a question, have you told anyone else about what you think you saw on the tapes?"

Mary felt her cheeks grow slightly red with anger. This wasn't how this conversation was supposed to go. "That is none of your business." She stood up, and leaned forward, until she was almost touching his nose. "But I will tell you this, attacking and harming fellow crew members is enough to get you a court martial. If I find out you've beat up another person, I'm personally filing a report. Is this clear?"

Zavier clenched his teeth, anger and frustration making the tips of his ears redder than his shirt. "Crystal."

Mary leaned back, and grabbed her PADD from the seat next to her, closing the app before he could see it, she walked away, her ponytail swaying with the movement of her legs.

Zavier watched her go, his blood boiling. 'The little runt told someone!' He thought, gripping his clenched hands in each other. 'I told him there would be consequences.'

He stood up to try and find Chekov, when a sinister thought rang through his head. 'Why would he tell the pretty doctor, and not the captain?' He began walking to the lifts, his feet shuffling slightly. 'He cares about her.' The doors slid open, and he walked in. 'What better way to get payback, then hurting the one he likes?'

The doors slid shut, closing him in. Nobody saw the grin on his face. And nobody saw the brass knuckles, clenched in his tan hand.

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