Chapter 4

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(Same day as the last chapter, around 7:30p.m.)

Mary walked down the hallway, on deck three, deep in thought. She'd tried to get Zavier to admit that he was abusing Chekov, but he didn't. She even set up a recording app on her PADD.

She sighed, and moved some hair behind her ear. Mary cared a lot for Chekov, and she wanted him to not live in fear.

She stopped right in front of her door, and shifted her PADD to her other hand so she could put in the code.

She put in the first three numbers, but stopped when she heard something down the hall. Mary turned, and looked, left, then right. Nothing. She wasn't sure what she'd heard, or if she heard anything at all, something just....grabbed her attention.

She turned back to her door, and began to reinsert her password, when the same thing happened again. Weird. She looked back down the hall again, only to once again see nothing.

That was when her attention went to the security camera, across from her door. The little green light that was always on, that had been on for the entire week she'd been on board, was off.

Mary walked out from the alcove of her doorway, and looked at the other cameras. All of them. Off. She felt a chill go down her spine.

The doors to the lift opened, and out walked Zavier Sanchez. He had a smirk on his face.

Mary's heart was pounding in her chest. The cameras. She'd told him about the cameras. He had metal knuckle braces on his hands. Zavier walled closer.

Mary tried to take a step back, but she ran into a wall. "The little runt shouldn't have told anyone. I warned him."

"You don't have to do anything, okay? I won't tell anyone, and you can stop." She said, her voice unusually calm.

"No, you see, I can't do that. You are his weakness. By hurting you, I'll be hurting him. And he needs to learn his lesson." Zavier said, walking closer, his cruel smile making Mary even more terrified. "But don't worry, it won't hurt. For long."


(The next morning)

Very few people go on deck three. There are only about seven living quarters. The rest of the deck is dedicated to storage, and some science labs.

That's why nobody found Mary until the next morning. Spock was walking down the corridor, looking at some data on his PADD. His room was close to the science labs, because he was the science officer.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw someone laying on the floor, badly injured, and a small pool of blood around them.

Spock walked closer, his face emotionless. He knelt down, and looked closer, it was a girl. She was young looking. He put his fingers on her neck, and found a slight, weak pulse. He exhaled a small sigh of relief.

He took out his communicator, and called Dr.McCoy. "What is it Spock? Is Jim hungover again?"

"No doctor. I am on deck three, I have found a young women who is in need of medical attention."

McCoy was quiet for a moment. The only young women who lived on deck three was Mary. "I'm coming. What ever you do, don't move her." He shut off the call, and immediately called nurse Chapel. She grabbed a gurney, and together they ran to the lift. Both hoping what they were thinking wasn't true.
(The next day)

McCoy stood by the bed Mary was in. She had a respirator down her throat, and so many machines telling her status, he didn't know which to look at.

When they found her, she went immediately to surgery. Who ever did this to her, didn't want her to live. She had a collapsed lung, four broken ribs, a broken wrist, and a bunch of small lacerations over her face and arms.

She stopped breathing halfway through surgery, so the had to put a breathing tube down her throat, hoping she'd wake up soon.

Jim tried to find out who did this to Mary, but they found that the cameras were shut off when she was attacked.

The only person who could say who did it was Mary. And she was in a coma.

Bones looked up as a very exasperated Chekov ran in. His eyes landed on mart, and his face paled. "Doctor McCoy! Is she alright?"

"Don't worry, she's in a coma."

"A coma? Who did this?"

"I don't know, but she's going to be out for a while. " McCoy said, looking down at her reddish brown hair, splayed around her pillow. He wished he could find who did this, just so he could beat them up.

Chekov sat down in a chair by her bed. His blonde curls bouncing against his forehead. He knew exactly who did this, and it made him sick.

He took Mary's hand in his, hoping she could feel it. He had been planning on asking her to be his girlfriend tonight. He had a date planned and everything.

It looked like it would have to wait. Chekov closed his eyes. Thinking of how he'd confront Zavier. This time, he wouldn't do it alone.

He stood up and headed to the bridge. He had something he needed to tell the captain.

There, see? No one is dead, and Chekov is gaining confidence! Yay!

So these next few chapters will be gaining some speed, so let me know if there are parts where anyone gets confused, so I can fix stuff.

Thank you people for reading!

(P.s. this story is no where near done. I'm just getting started.)


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