Chapter 5

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For two weeks, Chekov came to visit Mary. He would hold her hand, tell her about his day, and even talk about how an away mission went.

She would lay there, her eyes closed. He liked to think that she would listen, and want to make talk back, but couldn't.

After about the fifth day, she began to breathe on her own. A sign of recovery, but it wouldn't mean anything unless she woke up.

Chekov had told Kirk and Spock about Zavier, and a quick search of Mary's PADD revealed the conversation they had had.

But they couldn't get Zavier charged, not until they had more evidence. Chekov walked in to the Med bay, and sat down at his usual seat, next to Mary.

She looked so peaceful. Her hair was a huge contrast to her pale skin. Freckles Chekov hadn't noticed before dotted her cheeks and nose. They were usually covered by the blush that was always on her face. Except for now.

He took her hand, and noticed the mark on her wrist. He'd seen it before, but....something about it always caught his attention.

Something began to glow slightly, and he looked closer, curious. A faint symbol began to show up, but before he could see it fully, the entire ship lurched. Knocking him out of the chair.

Chekov sat up, and the ship rocked again. The sound of explosions rippled through the outside of ship, making him nervous. They were under attack.

Another explosion rocked the ship, and the lights flickered. The red alert siren rang through the halls, red lights flashing. Chekov got up and ran out, heading to the bridge.

When he got there, he found it in chaos. He went to his post, and relieved the scared looking women. Just as he sat down, the ship jerked to the right, knocking Sulu from his seat.

"Keptain! Vwhat is happening?" Chekov asked when the ship righted itself. Jim looked at him, then at Spock.

"We're being attacked. Sulu, does the computer recognize the ships design?"

"Negative sir, what ever species this is, it's unknown to us." Sulu said, pressing buttons.

"Great! We discover a new species, and what do they do? They attack us!" Jim mumbled, scratching his ear. "Uhura, can you hail them?"

"Trying now sir." She said, and suddenly the screen flashed to a man with crazy, dark brown hair. He had on robes with strange symbols. A few people were running around behind him, wearing similar robes, but with darker colors, and different symbols.

"This is James T. Kirk, captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Why are you attacking my ship?"

The man looked at Kirk, and Chekov nearly gasped, he had golden eyes, a few shades darker than Mary's.

"I apologize. My men mistook your hail signal. We thought you were attacking us. I am Zar'gwei. We heard about the federation from other planets. We wish to join." The man said, his voice held a strange accent, that made Chekov wonder what his native language sounded like.

Kirk thought for a moment, and turned to Spock, who nodded. "Zar'gwei, we'd be happy to beam you aboard to discuss your people joining us. Do you represent the views of all your people?"

"I am the ruler of my people, James T. Kirk. My views are their views." He seemed to think a moment, his fingers rubbing his chin. "Tell me, what does it mean to 'beam' me aboard?"

A few nervous laughs escaped from people around the bridge, and Jim smiled. "Trust me, you'll find it quite interesting." He told him, anxious to make this new race a part of Starfleet.

Everyone was smiling except Chekov. Something about this Zar'gwei made him suspicious, and it wasn't just his eyes.

Okay, so I'm including a very funny, completely irrelevant video in the media, please enjoy!

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