Chapter 6

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Doctor McCoy was running some routine tests when Zar'gwei and his ambassadors beamed on board the ship.

When the Zindakian ruler set foot on the ship, something weird happened. Mary's heart rate grew. It was increasing. He ran to her side, and checked some data. Her face was regaining its natural color, and for the first time since she was brought to the Med bay, she moved on her own.

McCoy was shocked. She was recovering very quickly. He sent a message to Chekov, telling him that Mary was waking up. When Chekov got the message, he sighed in relief, and turned to captain Kirk, who was showing Zar'gwei around the bridge.

"Sir! I request a short leave to check on Mary. McCoy says she's vwaking up." Chekov said, his voice coming out faster than his lips could move.

Kirk turned to him, and seemed to think. "Yes. In fact we'll come with you. Would you like to see our medical facilities, Zar'gwei?" Zar'gwei nodded, and together they walked to the med bay, Chekov barely containing his eagerness.

When they walked in, Mary had already woken up. She still looked pale, and her eyes looked a little cloudy, but she was awake. Her golden eyes brightened when she saw Chekov. "Pavel!"

"Hello Mary."

"Hello captain." She said, still looking at Chekov. "Chekov, I could hear you. When you talked to me, I heard it all." She said, and Chekov blushed. It was then that Mary looked at the guest. "Who's this?"

"This is Zar'gwei, leader of the Zindaki people. They are trying to join the federation." Kirk said, and Zar'gwei waved. " Zar'gwei, this is Mary Stern. She's one of our chief doctors."

"Extraordinary." He muttered, looking at Mary. Confused, Mary looked back. "Your eyes. They are of strange color for a human, yes?"

"I suppose. Why do you ask?" Mary asked, Chekov beside her tightened his grip on her hand, happy to feel her squeeze his hand back.

"On my planet, I am royalty. The trait that is native to my family is golden eyes. It is just strange to see another being whose eyes are of such similar pigment." Zar'gwei said, his accent harder to understand than Mary's.

"Thank you?" She said, and he nodded.

Suddenly Bones walked in, reading a PADD. He looked up, and smiled at Kirk. "She gave us the identity of her attacker." He said, handing the PADD to Jim.

"She was attacked? Why would someone do that to a women?" Zar'gwei asked, fury crinkling his eyebrows and forehead.

"The same person Chekov ID'd. Splendid. I'll send security to take him to the brig." Kirk said, signing some kind of document on the PADD.

"He's already down there. Someone just needs to interrogate him." McCoy said, flapping his arms slightly. He turned to Mary, who was beginning to look a little restless. "You are cleared to go, by the way. Your ankle is broken, but it has healed enough for you to just wear a boot. Just be careful." He said, getting the supplied for her ankle.

"Yes!" She said, smiling. "You have no idea how hungry I am." She patted her stomach, and Chekov helped her into a wheelchair. Together they walked out, Chekov pushing her wheelchair.

Zar'gwei just stared, a bit awestruck. The girl with the golden eyes had caught his attention, and gave him a feeling he hadn't felt since his wife ran away with his only child.

He followed the captain and doctor to the brig, where a security office sat in one of the cells. The man looked up when they walked over to the glass, hate in his eyes.

"Okay Mr.Sanchez. We've gotten two reports of violence from you, and one has left not only a fellow crew member, but a girl in a coma that she has just woken up from. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"It wasn't me." Zavier said, his voice coming out gentle.

Behind Kirk, Zar'gwei stiffened. He leaned in, and whispered in the captains ear. "He's lying."

"How do you know?" Bones asked, when Kirk led them away from the glass.

"My people are born with natural telepathic abilities. We can feel surface emotions, as well as when a person is lying." He explained, watching their shock. "Trust me, he is a bad man."

"Be that as it may, we still can't charge him. Not unless we get a confession, or proof of evidence." McCoy said angrily. He wanted the guy who hurt Mary to be taken to justice. More than anything.

The three men nodded solemnly, and parted ways. Walking back to his newly given quarters, Zar'gwei could only think of one thing. He was going to get that evidence. If not for justice, which was a very respected thing on his planet, then for the young doctor. Because it was not right to hurt a women. No matter what the reasons.

Man, this took me a while to write....I hope you liked it! ^_^


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