Chapter 7

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Zar'gwei stood next to a screen, running test after test. He was looking for evidence to get that man charged. He hurt a women, put her in a coma, that was not okay.

Suddenly he thought of his wife. A beautiful woman, she was the love of his life. The day she found out she was pregnant was the best day of his life. Because he'd always wanted a child.

But they had an argument a few days after his daughter was born. She had the golden colored eyes he did, which meant she was next to rule after him. But she didn't want that, his wife, she wanted their daughter to live like a normal kid. To not have the responsibility of ruling a planet when she turned 18.

He had gotten mad. And, without thinking, he slapped her. Hard. Hard enough to cause a mark that lasted for days.

And she left him. She took his daughter, his Asonia, and left. His men searched for days, and eventually located his wife. They found her, dead, laying by a tree on the planet Earth. Asonia was nowhere to be seen.

They had found a note in her pocket, saying she'd killed her only child to protect her from him. Mary reminded him a lot of his wife. It made him want to help her, because in a way, he felt like he was helping his daughter, but.... That was crazy, she wasn't alive. Not anymore.

But Zar'gwei still held the hope that she was still alive, somewhere. It was what kept him going. Especially in the tough times.

Yes, he'd help Mary, and then, he'd go back to searching for his lost daughter. Just like before, but this time, his people would be allowed on Earth.


Mary stood on the scale, her muscles still a little weak from a week of no use. The numbers came up, and she sighed. She'd lost nearly twenty pounds.

Which was kind of weird of her. She was always kind of over weight. Not that she wasn't skinny, she just wasn't fat either.

Her PADD made a beeping noise, and she went to it. A message. She opened it, and gasped. It was a video, obviously taken from the security camera database.

It was kind of fuzzy, and the sound was unclear, but she knew exactly what was happening.

It showed a figure, who was obviously Zavier, punch a smaller figure, who was obviously Mary.

Suddenly Chekov ran into her room, PADD in hand. He looked at her, then back at the PADD. An angry expression on his face.

"Whoever sent this, sent it to everyone. Everyone is seeing this right now." He said, a look in his eyes.

"This is proof. They have to charge him now. They have to!" Mary said, tears in her eyes. Pavel was by her side in two strides. She fell into his arms, and cried.

For possibly the first time since she woke up, she felt hope. And she let the tears fall, washing away the pain.
Meanwhile, on the bridge

Captain Kirk watched the video from the PADD that Uhura had thrust into his hands. As the video progressed, Jim found himself more and more angry. "Bones! We got enough evidence to charge this guy?" He asked the doctor, who had been watching from his side.

"Yep, looks like it. I've already called the guards to put him in a cell." McCoy replied, tapping some buttons on his PADD.

"Mr. Sulu, set our course for the closest federation planet."

"Aye sir."

Soon, the ship was speeding towards the closest planet, ready to charge the man who'd hurt the youngest member of their crew.


(The next day)
"Okay, Zar'gwei, I'm almost done." McCoy said, just as he finished drawing the mans blood. The federation needed info on the genetic makeup and biology of the zindakians, to keep in the data base.

"Do I have to tell you about my peoples abilities?"

"That would be appreciated." McCoy replied, putting a little bandaid on the shorter mans arm.

"As you already know, we have slight physic powers. We can tell when a person is lying, feel emotions, and some of the most powerful can actually read thoughts." Zar'gwei said, standing up. "The only people who could were all of the same bloodline as me. That is why I am ruler."

"Okay, thanks for the info." Bones said, entering stuff into his PADD. "Hey what's that on your wrist?"

Zar'gwei lifted his sleeve slightly. On his wrist, was a mark. A scar, to be precise. "This is the mark of my bloodline. When a child of the ruler is born, and if they have golden eyes, they get marked. That means they will be the next ruler."

"Why the golden eyes? What if your child is born with blue eyes?" McCoy asked, looking up from the PADD.

"Then we have more children. The golden eyes is a trait. Only the most powerful can become rulers, and only the most powerful have had golden colored pigment in their eyes." He explained, happy to share about his culture.

"So, all your children with the same colored eyes have this mark?"

"I only have one child, Mr. McCoy. And yes, she was given the mark. But, she was taken when she was a child. She probably has no idea of her heritage." Zar'gwei said sadly, his eyes misty.

"My people are healers. It is our natural instinct to help the sick and injured. That is where our abilities lie the most. In our hands." Zar'gwei raised his hands, showing the doctor. "When we help to heal, our wrists glow." His wrist glowed, golden yellow over the scar. A symbol caught McCoys eye.

"I just have to say, that is very cool." Bones said, putting his supplies up. That wasn't the first time he'd seen that symbol. Mary liked to doodle, a lot. She'd always draw it, and when asked why, she would always say, "it's from a dream."

McCoy sighed. He smiled slightly at where his thoughts were going. It couldn't be possible. He took the sample, and inserted it to the computer. Allowing it to become a blood type in the system.

Little did he know, it was already there.

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