Chapter 9 -The Ending

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Mary looked at Chekov. She had been packing her bag of the few normal clothes she owned. He had come in a hurry, and was very out of breath.

"Mary please, you can't go."

"Why? Just the other day you said I should choose what I thought was best." She said, folding a plaid button up shirt and stuffing it in the suitcase.

"Because you belong here. With us. You're family." He replied, running a hand through his hair.

"They're my family. But so is Zar'gwei. And I have a responsibility now. In case you've forgotten, I'm supposed to take over the throne in two years."

"But you don't have too. You didn't grow up there, so why should you abide by their laws?" He argued, and Mary sighed.

"Just because I didn't grow up there doesn't mean diddly-squat. They're still my laws."

"Did you just say diddly-squat?" He asked, breaking the seriousness of the discussion with a chuckle.

"I've made up my mind, Pavel." Mary said gruffly, slamming the small suitcase closed. She tool it from the bed and began to walk to her door.

"What about me?" He asked, making her stop.

"What about you?"

"Have you ever stopped to realize what you leaving would do to me? I care about you. A lot. And I don't want you to go." He said, most of it rushing from his mouth in a nervous manner.

"Why now, Pavel? Of all the times you could have told me about your feelings, you choose now?" Mary asked, she had tears in her eyes.

"I never realized how much I liked you, until I realized I was going to lose you. I," he paused, and took a deep breath. Steeling himself. "I think I love you."

Mary sighed, and wiped a tear from her blushing cheek. How could he do this? "I love you too. But like I've said before, I've made up my mind."

Mary walked out her open door, leaving Chekov to stand alone. Stunned. She was leaving, and nothing he said or did would change that.

"I've lost her." He whispered, sitting on the ground, and hugging his knees. "I've lost her."

Okay guys! This is it! The last chapter!!! So I'm going to be doing some, I guess you could call it remodeling to this story. Adding a few chapters here and there to make it what I want it to be.

So, how have you guys liked it so far? Should I do a sequel? Let me know!

It's been really fun, writing this. Enjoy!


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